Chapter 1

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Okay so this is my first fan fiction so don't judge please // thank you
Natalie's POV
"Ow..." I muttered under my breath as some blonde lanky kid bumped into me.

I kept on walking not thinking anything of it. It was probably some stuck up freshman trying act tough anyway. As I walked to my locker to meet my friends Cristina and Phoebe (who's lockers happened to be next to mine) I stopped. Standing there with the lockers opened, were three fairly good looking guys with a fair amount of tattoos.

"Excuse me? These are my friends lockers." I said confused.
"Oh we're new here and the lady at the front office gave us these slips with our locker number and combinations on it." A tall dark haired boy announced.

Australian I thought.

"Oh..okay. Well my name's Natalie."
"Hello Natalie. My name is Calum and this is Ashton and Michael," said Calum pointing to a guy with kinda curly locks and another guy with hair dyed blue. (A/N: I know his hair is black but just go along with it )

Both very good looking...I could get used to this.

"Nice. So do you guys want me to show you around?" I asked while biting my lip flirtatiously.

"Sure here's my timetable," said Ashton as he handed me a slip of paper.

"Okay wow. Err we have a lot of classes together so I guess we can walk together?" I awkwardly stated as a question.

Oh god I'm awkward .

He said sure while explaining that Calum and Michael had the same classes as him.

"Off we go then"
Okay so I know that this is really short but I just want some feedback and comments to know if I should continue or not. 😁
Much love,

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