25. Follow Him

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Liang was running out of patience. No matter what he tried, he couldn't get in contact with the other person. He asked Tao to follow Sam, but Sam would go straight home after work.

On Saturday morning, Laing and Tao were sitting in a car outside Sam's house, to see if he was making any movements. To their luck, Sam left his house with a bag.

The villa that Sam lived in was in a very good area. It was big and very beautiful. "Why is Sam so rich and not me?" Tao was a little jealous.

"That's because Sam had a really good boss in his past. Your boss is FWE, there is a difference. Also, he is very capable, he can handle matters and contracts very well. The five people he found, all of them are talented. With proper training and guidance and they will rock the stage in a few years." Liang replied as he observed Sam with binoculars.

"How do you know all this?" Tao asked, biting his lips with jealousy.

"I make it a priority to keep track of upcoming competitors, talents, new trends, which is actually your job." Liang shrugged his shoulders.

His agent turned his sharp gaze at him, "Then why don't you find someone like Sam to be your agent?" He felt a little insulted.

"Won't do, someone like Sam, who has his own mind won't listen to me." His agent wanted to chew all Liang's fingers for thinking so low of him.

Tao was the one driving, while Liang sat in the passenger seat. They had hired a tourist vehicle that was painted with landmarks, maps, and mountain designs. They wore glasses, hats and maintained a distance, to make sure Sam wouldn't find out.

"Why is he leaving the city?" Tao asked.

Liang kept watching on Sam's car to make sure not to miss it, "How am I supposed to know that? Keep following."

Tao frowned, "This is wrong, so illegal. I don't want to go to jail. Look at Sam, he has a wife. I am not even married. "

"We are going for sightseeing. There is nothing wrong with it. And what does his wife have to do with you?" Liang asked.

Tao simply frowned.

They drove for an hour, reaching the hilly region. The scenery around changed to beautiful mountains covered in beautiful colours of orange-red. The tourists were enjoying the weather and the surroundings. Sam's car drove little outskirts away from the main area. The road became narrow and they drove up the hill.

Tao's mouth was dropped open looking at the hilltop villa, offering the perfect point of the breathtaking view of the entire district. The villa was simply modern and beautiful with huge glass walls.

They parked away, while Sam's car entered the compound gate, disappearing from their view. "Even your villa isn't so beautiful. Do you think he rented it?" Tao made a point to Liang. He was even more jealous now. To rent something like this would be very expensive. Tao wondered which rich person Sam was meeting.

Liang's eyes squinted, he got out of the car and made a phone call. Once he hung up the call, he walked towards the villa. Tao got out of the car, freaking out, "Where are you going?"

Liang gestured him to wait in the car. He passed by the main gate, a security guard was dozing around. He went around the compound wall to see if he could climb up. He found a big rock which he shifted slowly near the wall. With the help of the rock, he climbed over the wall.

The garden was beautifully maintained, there was a huge swimming pool at the edge of the cliff. And a huge rose garden.

He could see the interior of the house through the glass walls. The ground floor balcony was open. He followed the voices and hid himself behind the shrubs. He could hear people talking in the house. His lips curved up in a smile, yet at the same time, his heart was feeling bitter.

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