77. Face to Face

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AN: Sorry for the late update. A few more chapters left for this novel to come to an end. Enjoy....

Philip felt sharp shooting pain all over his body. His muscles ached to the bone. He had no notion as to what Yang had injected him with, but he knew it wasn't any good. He groaned, slowly lifting his heavy eyelids. A warm light entered his eyes, causing him to almost turn blind. There was a yellow light bulb, hanging from the ceiling, gazing at him angrily. He scanned around to only have his world fall into darkness.

He shifted his eyes to his hands and legs, they were tied with a rope to the arms and legs of a wooden chair. He glanced around the room again. It looked like a basement, the walls were made of cement and sand. It was wet and covered with a thick layer of moss. It was crisp and dark with no windows to the outside world. The area stunk of filth and urination. There were huge cages to fit in a tiger or a lion, but the ones occupying it were humans. Young boys and girls, wearing nothing other than chains and bruises. They stared at him with fear, confusion, pity. He tried to get free. While he was struggling to get out of the nightmare, a huge metallic sound echoed in the room.

He saw the young kids in the cage flinch and move to the furthest corner of the cage. The only door to the room opened, the one who walked inside was none other than the monster who had built the prison. His lips had curved up into an evil smile as he stared at Philip.

"Wakie wake, we have new tender meat amongst us." He announced to the others in the room. "I have been waiting to have fun with you. You were down for a few days." Yang laughed as he stared at Philip. His voice sent a shiver down everyone's spine. Every person in the cage curled up their bodies and lowered their heads as Yang made his move towards Philip. He smiled and pulled out the cloth from Philip's mouth. It didn't take for Philip to spit on Yang's face. That earned him a hard punch in his jaw.

Yang held a bunch of his hairs and pulled his head to meet his eyes. "You are a very brave person to do that, but I will make sure you learn to respect me here." He let go of him and walked to a nearby cage. The small boy, who was no older than ten started shivering inside the cage. Looking at his messy and weak figure, Yang smiled.

He turned to Philip, "I know that you have a kind heart. But you have to follow the rules of my establishment. This palace is my kingdom, everything in here belongs to me. You disrespect me and this happens." He opened the cage and pulled the boy out. He pushed the boy on the floor in front of Philip. The boy looked at Philip with pleading eyes. Yang was about to kick the little boy when Philip conceded, "I was wrong, I won't do it again."

Yang smiled, "See, it wasn't that difficult. Go back in your cage." The boy quickly went back to his little space.

Yang clapped twice for 8 bodyguards to walk in with a huge cage, similar to the others in the room. They placed it in front of Philip. "This is your new home and the people here are your siblings. I am not so sure about your behavior though. But I am sure, you would learn to be silent just like the others here." When Yang was finished talking, a bodyguard whispered something in his ears. Yang laughed out loud and stared at Philip with hatred. "Now, look at what you have done. You led two innocent friends to my past. They are desperately trying to search for a way to put me behind the bars." He held Philip's jaw with his hand, the grip was so strong that it started leaving a mark on his face. "Daniel and Liang are looking into the death of the girl from my school. Tell me, did you have something to do with it?"

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