28. Big News

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It was November sixteenth, the autumn season was almost coming to end. Cool breeze surrounded Liang, leaving a chill in his bones. He wrapped a scarf around his neck, to keep him warm. A soft crackling sound echoed as he walked on the ground, that was covered in dried leaves.

He stopped in front of a huge wall. On every block, there was a name engraved and dates. Half a year had passed since the funeral. Today was his birthday, yet there was not a single flower that he could see. He was forgotten, by his family as well as friends.

Liang touched the name on the cold granite gently. He placed colourful roses for him and kissed the name that was engraved. He touched his forehead to the cold granite, murmuring soft words. It was time for him to let him go, that way he could rest in peace.

After a while, he left. His steps were heavy and so was his heart. He took a long walk, thinking about the past. His lips curved up in a faint smile yet his eyes were full of grief. He turned and looked at the place once more before he returned to his car.


Dong Fu was sitting at his assigned place looking at his face in the mirror. There were many other eyes on him. Everyone else was getting their makeup done getting ready, it was chaotic. Many of them gossiped behind Dong Fu's back. They thought he wouldn't understand english, but for the fools they were, he understood it very well.

However, Dong Fu had no change in expression nor did he care about what they felt. But he did love listening to how people gossiped. In this circle, if you get an opportunity you take it. If you sit whining about why someone else got to be the show stopper and not you, you will stay behind. If they wanted to bitch about how Dong Fu entered through the back door, be his guest.

It wasn't his fault that the back door wasn't opened for others. They all had practiced ramp walk earlier. Dong Fu walked like an immature in the eyes of many. Silver was having second thoughts, but Sam kept on coaxing her, that it would be all fine. There was going to be a live broadcast on the SR's website, and she was really worried. She didn't want this day to turn into a walking comedy.

After an hour, the guests started arriving. Silver Rose was a famous brand for men's clothing. Editors, trend forecasters, some other designers, few famous models, and actors were invited. The hall started getting crowded. The photographers had set up their cameras ready to click.

Everyone was told this was a special event. There were going to be two shows. One was where Silver was going to present her new designs. Later was a tribute to her best friend and their Rose.

Dong Fu was feeling stupid for attending this event himself, with a different name and face. People were running here and there, whereas he was sitting quietly eating chocolate. There wasn't even a hint of nervousness on his face, but his stomach was giggling.

Models walked one after another, Dong Fu observed everything on the screen backstage. Silver was standing right next to him. Instead of watching the screen, she was looking at him. Dong Fu didn't care, he was used to people starring at his magnificent face.

After the first show ended, the lights were dimmed out and the music turned to a soft piano in the background. Dong Fu was startled. He whispered in Sam's ears, "Why are they playing my piece?"

"This entire event is for you, stop complaining," Sam replied.

"Yeah, the dead me... This feels a little creepy, I am scared of my own ghost. Shouldn't I get paid a royalty fee for the music?" He crossed his arms and frowned.

"This is SR's way of saying goodbye to you. Perform well, unless you want some other rose to replace you." Sam teased.

"Other rose my foot." Dong Fu left Sam's side, after a while, it was going to be his turn. As the music reached its climax, the models walked one after another. The music turned soft and slow again, the lights on the stage dimmed out. A person's shadow could be seen at the far end of the stage. The lights slowly started getting brighter as the shadow moved forward.

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