My Hazey Day

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Mikayla's POV

Damien and I begin our little journey to the day care. "Let's play twenty-one questions that's if you don't mind", I suggest to which Damien smiles at me and urges me to continue, "Okay so what are your full names?".

     "Damien William Adams", he continues with a slight pink to his cheeks,"what are your names?"

     "Mikayla Nicole Davis", I reply with a smile to which he smiles back. "How old are you?"

     "I'm Eighteen and how old are you?", he questions. "I'm Seventeen", I continue, "When is your birthday?".

     "December 12 and yours?", he mentions and I mentally take note of that date. "March 21", I smile at him and continue, "What is your favourite colour?"

    "Sky Blue and yours?", he replies as he stares up at the sky in awe which fascinates me. "Forest Green", I reply with a smile and continue, "Why do you love it I mean the colour of the sky?"

    "Well when the sky is blue, it's always a good sign you know it gives you a feeling that everything is going to be alright despite whatever situation you face. Seeing the blue sky simply brings happiness. Basically it's a Symbol of Hope", he smiles up at me and continues, "Why do you love forest green?"

     "The forest is a home to so many creatures  if the trees lose all of their nutrients and wither away those animals will lose their home. In the same way we also need the forest for the air we breathe," I continue, "I feel like the greener the forest, the happier the world is. The colour represents Life."

      "Wow that's really inspiring", Damien smiles, "We need to embrace the beauty of nature because it gives us all a sign of Hope be it the blue sky or the green forest. Nature gives one a feeling of belonging and happiness which in turns leads to Hope".

      "Yes that's true. Basically both are a symbol of hope," I continue, "What is your favourite food?"

     "Smoked Ribs", he continues, "What about yours?"

     "Tropical Pizza", I say and I can literally taste the pineapples in my mouth.

     "I actually think that you'd make a beautiful tropical kind of girl," he winks at me which causes my cheeks to heat up. It's a good thing I can't blush. I smile up at him, "Thank you. Who is your favourite artist?"

    "Kygo has some really great music", he replies. I squeal literally and clap my hands like a seal. "What?"

    "No way I really love Kygo too", I continue  excitedly, "I love his music too it's so real and the beats are really great. What is your favourite song of his?"

    "Born To Be Yours", he says with a smirk and continues, "Which one is yours?"

    "Stranger Things", I smile up at him as I remember the lyrics. The new version of it really hits different especially with the new beat. "What is your favourite band?"

    "The Chainsmokers have always been my all time favourite band", he replies with a pride in his voice, "What about you?"

     "I think you and I are literally one person", I state with a smirk in his direction.

     "What do you mean?", he frown not catching on to my drift.

     "I absolutely totally love The Chainsmokers too like so much", I squeal excitedly again.

    "Really?? What is your favourite song of theirs?", Damien asks as he smirks at me.

    "Something Just Like This", I reply with a smile, "Which one is yours?"

    "Push My Luck", he replies and I make a mental note to download it later.

     We reach the day care and I head inside with Damien in toll to pick up my little brother Tommie. I find Tommie playing on the floor with his friends.

    Tommie finally looks up at me and runs towards me. I pick him up and he puts his arms around my neck. "I really missed you alot", he says in his baby language.

   "I missed you so much Tommie", I give him a little kiss on the cheek and smile at him, "You didn't give Lily any trouble, did you?"

     He looks up at me and shakes his head. Tommie finally notices Damien and frowns at me. "Who is this?", he questions.

    "Hey little man, my name is Damien and I'm Mikayla's friend", Damien smiles at Tommie and stretches his hand out waiting for him to shake it, "What is your name?"

    "My name is Thomas", he smiles excitedly and shakes Damien's hand, "Do you want to be my friend?"

    "Of course I'll be your friend little man", Damien says as he takes Tommie from me and they start bonding. I decide to get his belongings before going to meet them outside.

    "I want ice cream Kayla", Tommie looks back at me while on Damien's shoulders. "Pretty please??"

     "Alright you can have some ice cream", I give in when he starts giving me the puppy eyes.

      We find an ice cream palor close to home and head in. We get to the counter to give our orders.

     "Which flavour do you want to have Tommie?", I ask him and he furrows his brows in thought. "I want Blueberry ice cream"

      I look up at Damien to ask which flavour I should order for him. "I'll have Vanilla", he says with a smile.

      "I want Cookie dough ice cream".

      When I finally succeed in finding some money so that I can pay, I look up and find that Damien had already used his card to pay for the ice cream.

     "It's against my code to let a lady pay for any expenses", he smiles at me and I simply let it go.

      We get our ice creams and head to one of the tables so that we can eat them

     "Why do you like vanilla? Vanilla is super plain and lame", Tommie says to Damien

      "Vanilla is super cool I love it because it's a simple flavour", Damien shoots back at him and sticks his tongue out.

      Tommie sticks his tongue out at Damien too. We finish our ice cream in silence and start heading home when we're done. When we reach my home, Tommie says goodbye to Damien and goes inside.

     "I really had a great time with you today and your brother is super cool too", Damien admits with a smile.

     "I had a great time too and thank you for the ice cream", I smile back at him.

      "You're welcome. I guess I'll see you tomorrow at school", Damien smiles.

      "See you", I smile and wave as he starts his journey back home.




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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2020 ⏰

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