My Tempest Day

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Mikayla's POV

      We reach the parking lot and immediately spot Paris' Black Audi A7 Sportsback. I've always been in love with Audi. Audi has the hottest cars that I've ever seen. I love the matte black version because I mean who doesn't love Black?

      What I'm trying to say is if I ever get a car, I'd want it to be an Audi. Paris was given this beautiful creation as her seventeenth birthday gift. She absolutely loves her car well that makes two of us. This Audi is Matte Black which makes it perfect. It has comfy black leather seats which are to die for.

    The windows are all covered in black tints making it look both mysterious and amazing. The black tyres are protected by the most beautiful rim which is hot pink. I decide to get into the passenger seat of her car because well I love this car!!

     While I get comfy in my leather seat, Paris gets into the driver's seat. The girls pile up into the backseat. "Hey!! Kayla, it's really unfair that you always get to ride shotgun." Heather huffs and crosses her arms over her chest. I roll my eyes at this.

     Heather has Always been the childish one. We all have that inner child in us. Never let age extinguish the fire of your inner child because well life is too short to be anything but happy. I've come to realise this and that's why we all say you only live once. Be happy.

     Getting back to my story well as I was saying she has always been the childish among us. She's always been the fun, joker and most of carefree girl I've met so far. She never lets anything let her down. She is that one person that can make you smile on your rainy day.

     To say I love this girl to bits would be an understatement. Heather may have just joined our trio in the 4th grade but she still holds a very prominent part in my life. Growing up, My parents and Paris' parents were so close well because they went to college together.

    Automatically, Paris became my Bestest friend and when Ria came along the way she also took a liking to her. Since then we became this trio that was only upto some childish mischief such as eating extra sweets from the jar. Those were the days. I still crack up at the memories we have together. It was us against the world.

    Then when we were all in the fourth grade, we spotted this shy girl with bright pink ribbons that held her two ponytails. We noticed that she has no friends so we decided to walk up to her. I gave her a little toffee sweet and asked her to be our friend. Gladly, she accepted both the toffee and our friendship.

     Here we are today all aged 17 sitting in Paris' car, riding off to an ice cream shop. To say we're all childhood friends is an understatement because well we're sisters. You ever have that friend you've known since baby days and now you both grown up. You finally realise that this person has been riding with you for so long that they become family. Well that's what I found.

     "Y'all are just too slow", I look back and wink at her. Heather sticks her tongue out at me and I laugh at this. I notice that Ria hasn't said a word so far. She's busy reading some new book she got over the weekend. I just raise my brow and ignore this.

      Well you see Ria has always been the quirky one in our group. Always one to put herself out there and she's confident when she needs to be. However, most times she just avoids drama and well the world in general.

        She's definitely not like me but hey we're sisters after all so that means we share certain characters but not everything. But she'd still pick reading a book over a night on the town on a Friday night. That's why I love my sister.
      What I'm trying to say is that she has a social life and well she balances between school and recreation quite well. She's athletic so she takes her fitness quite seriously that explains why she's one of the cheerleaders at school.

     We reaches this new ice cream shop called Creamy Palor. It's the most beautiful place I've seen in the world. Don't blame me I love ice cream. It has this home appeal but still gives off that exotic feel. I love the designs that were crafted in this place.

     We head inside and I decide out of the courtesy of my heart to help Paris with the orders. Heather and Ria decide to find a table for us. We reach the counter and are immmediately greeted with this genuine smile by the cashier whose name is Cassidy as her tag says.

     "Hello girls, welcome to creamy palor and my name is Cassidy. What would you like to have today?", she smiles at us with genuine happiness. We return the smile and greeting. "We would like a mint chocolate, a vanilla and strawberry swirl, a rocky road and lastly a cookie dough ice cream," Paris places our orders.

    "That will be 20 dollars",Cassidy totals up our bill and Paris hands her the money. "Thank you. Um Cassidy, this place is new, right?", I ask her and she nods, "Do you know if there are any slots available?". She smiles at me and says, "yes we still need a lot of help around here if you want I can ask the manager for you".
      I smile gratefully at her and we exchange numbers. Paris and I get to the pick up counter and take our orders. We head to our table and hand the ice cream to the two girls. Heather takes her vanilla and strawberry swirl ice cream from me and Ria takes her mint chocolate from Paris.

      Leaving me with my glorious rocky road and Paris has her favourite cookie dough ice cream. "I can't believe the fact that Asher was on my team", Paris squeals next to me, "I told you it was fate Kayla". If not for being sitted, she could have been dancing around like a pony.

     "Relax Paris it was just a friendly game of dodgeball, its not like he asked you to marry him", I smirk at her. Paris has always had this major crush on Asher. Since 8th grade when he apparently saved her from dying but in actual sense, she was choking on corn when he gave her some water.

      I'd like to see someone try to convince her otherwise. She believes that he has some hidden feelings for her for some reason but hey we're not complaining. It's cute seeing her get so excited over the smallest things that happen. She still has hope that someday he'll be that knight in shiny armour.

      "It's a whole big deal Kayla and soon he will. Then you'll be my bridesmaids and I'll be walking down the isle" She puts her head in her hands dreamily and I snap my fingers at her. She sobers up and eats her ice cream. "Paris you've got to give up on that dream, its really impossible", Heather tries to snap her back to reality.

       "A girl has got to dream people she has to", Ria tries to defend Paris and ends up laughing. Paris just laughs at this and concludes," oh well soon it will happen". We all laugh at this and start talking about going swimming soon.

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