The Plot Thickens

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Roman had a problem, and that problem happened to be sitting two rows in front of him in English class.

How had he never noticed that he shared a class with the cute emo boy? Now that Roman realized that the boy was there he couldn't stop looking at him. Which was kind of creepy if he thought about it.

Roman was being creepy. Great.

When the teacher took attendance, Roman learned that Emo Boy's name was actually Virgil. Unsurprisingly, the name seemed familiar to Roman. He had a feeling he'd heard it screamed across the house when Remus had friends over once or twice.

Like the gay he was, Roman spent the entire class period politely ignoring their assignment in favor of staring at Virgil. He noticed that Virgil seemed really good at English. He finished the assignment quickly, handed it in with no complaints from their teacher, and then went on his phone for the rest of class.

"Virgil," the teacher said suddenly. Virgil looked up from his phone to her disapproving face.

"Yes miss?" Virgil's voice was calm and collected, but Roman could see that one hand was fidgeting under his desk.

"You signed a contract that said that you would not use your phone during my class, did you not?" the teacher smiled in a condescending way that immediately activated Roman's fight or flight response. Virgil just gave a sort of half laugh and muttered something before speaking.

"Contracts signed by minors are not legally binding."

Oh shit. That was such a fucking power move. The class waited with bated breath for the teacher's reaction.

The teacher stood up straight and looked ready to send Virgil to the office, before she started laughing.

"Fine, fine. As long as you're done your work I guess," she said, surprising everyone. Virgil nodded and looked back down at his phone. Roman glanced at his phone screen to see what he had caused such a ruckus to play.

Angry Birds.

Roman was in love.


Virgil was shaking a little after his confrontation with his English teacher, but he hadn't gotten a detention or even been yelled at, so he was feeling great.

Honestly he had been expecting to get a detention and then hang out with Damien and Remus, but not having another detention on his record was probably a good way to go too.

When the bell rang, he hauled up his backpack and was the first person out of the class. Somehow, Damien was already waiting outside of the classroom when he stepped out.

"How the heck do you do that?" Virgil asked him as Damien laughed at the bewildered look on his face.

"A magician never reveals his secrets, Virgil," Damien said. When the other students from Virgil's class- including Roman- started to leave, Damien pulled Virgil away from the door and towards the hallway that held both of their next classes.

"How was English?" Damien asked.

"Oh, you'll be proud of me," Virgil said, and continued to tell Damien what had transpired during the last period.

"One of your highest moments, I'm sure," Damien said once Virgil had finished.

"Oh absolutely. I'm running on adrenaline from it," Virgil said. Damien laughed.

"Now, did I see a particular theater nerd leaving your English class after you?" Damien asked with a wink, and Virgil blushed.

"Yeah, I think he was staring at me the whole class, too. He probably thinks I'm a creep because of yesterday and-"

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