Its 1936 and Victor just broke up with Yuri. (sry Victuuri shippers D:)
Victor wins the Olympics and meets daddy Stalin.
A beautiful relationship blossoms.
Hitler just got into ice skating. Victor inspired him by being thicc and fabulous, and now Hitler was performing triple axels.
Yuri Katuski was skating on the same rink as Victor, Mussolini and Hitler. Churchill sat this one out because he didn't want to break his acrylic nails by accident.
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Winston Churchill after his manicure circa 1936
Yuri was still salty at Vic for dumping him, and Victor was best friends with Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler, and Churchill. They were always sending streaks, had matching hydro flasks and were inseparable. In the background Yuri could hear Chairman Mao and Kim Jong Un screaming best friend at each other in the hallway and spazzing. Yuri devised a plan.
Hitler was skating to a jazz version of Cupcakke's Deepthroat, and going cray cray on the ice. He is twerking and dropping it down. Yuri skates nearby, ready for his plan. Keep in mind, Yuri is very thicc. His ass takes 5 seats on the bus. And his ass takes up 90% of his body weight.
Yuri jumped and fell on his ass. The ice cracks underneath his fat ass and Hitler falls through. Underneath the rink is water, and a shark jumps through the hole in the ice and snaps up Hitler in its jaws. Yuri had done it. He had assassinated Europes Dictator and the Fuhrer of Germany.
Stalin and the rest of the friendgroup started bawling. Stalin turned on Victor. "You were in on this assassination!" He screeched in his moldy voice. Victors heart broke when Stalin, ugly crying, declared their relationship over. 🤭