a Viscous Cycle

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As the sun rises on the village wood, with light bouncing off the acres of grass and the noisy, flowing river. The current takes the autumn leaves and gently carry's them down to the waterfall, finally leaving them cold and wet on the muddy floor.

A viscous cycle.

The way each of our lives are. Just circling to death and back again. In this life it's easy. To die. But most of us don't come back as the usual cat or dog, we come back as something much worse, something you don't dream about for Christmas or put on your wish list. No the reality we live in here is full of nightmares, suffering, pain and death, all the things we wish to get rid of and everything that keeps us awake at night is in those things.

My name is Gwen Lasht and I'm 15 I live in lacret, it's a small village on the edge of what used to be California. I live with my dad in a rickety, broken house on the other side of the village my best friend Taylor lives with his aunt. His parents died, same as my mom.
We had been travelling for months trying to find something, somewhere we could live after the outbreak. We were walking across a Dam, but we got attacked and my mom saved me and my dad. She jumped and I couldn't see her so we ran, we would've died if it wasn't for my mom. His parents died when he was a baby, ever since his aunt has taken care of him.

Every morning we go down to the woods and cross the log that bridges the river we pick berries and he sets traps for fish and other animals then we bring them back and sell them at the market for some money. We keep some food for ourselves though. It's hard to get to the woods and sell the food when you have the government watching everything. A huge city stands in the Capitol, which is found in New York all the way to North, further than anyone's travelled. One day I'll get there and find out what really happend 3 years ago. Find the truth and fix this mess they made. I've tried to tell my dad but he doesn't believe me, he thinks if we stick our noses into the Capitol's business then things will turn bad for everyone. But I don't care what he says or what anyone else says.

I believe it. That's all that matters.

So one day I'll get... I will get there! and I'll put an end to this nightmare. For good.

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