life's not fair

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"Hey Taylor!" I yelled, "wait up!"
I cynced my arm through his, whilst his hand was still in his hoodie pocket and we walked interlocked for a while.
"So we still on for movie night tonight?"
"Psh yeah of course!"
Ever since me and my dad found this place, me and Taylor have been having movie nights. In this situation...In these circumstances, having somebody to talk to about everything because we all know anything could happen.

Time isn't on our side. So we control what is.

"So I was thinking BulletProof?"
"Definitely it's a Classic!"
Every year on our friendaversery we watch BulletProof - it's a tradition. An action packed flick full of fist fights and shiny cars to distract us from the evil things outside. We walked down to the woods and crossed the log and went to the usual tree we like to sit on. Taylor climbs the trunk and hoists himself up on to the branch. He then offers me his hand and pulls me up closer to him, we then both crawl the rest of the way up the tree into the little nook that seats us both. Me and Taylor talk for a while and kick are feet so they're free for just a second until they have to come back down to this scary reality.

A noise echoes through the wood and Taylor slips from the tree. I grab his hand and try to hold on to him, my other hand keeps me from falling. I feel the veins squeezing out of my forehead and the sweat slipping out of his skin. His hand then started dripping through my fingertips.
"TAYLOR!" I scream.
I take my other hand and connect it with my other, and my legs start slipping from the top of the tree. We both fall. We land on the ground and I groan in agony, the air is filled with heavy breathing and cries of pain. I sit up and scream in pain, rustling to my hand and knees I crawl over to check Taylor.
He lies there whincing in pain and I help him sit up. We move to the tree and lean up against the trunk, I turn to look at him and see red liquid trickling from his forehead. I gasp.
"Taylor, your bleeding." I say touching his forehead.
"So are you." He replies pointing at my shoulder.
I look down to my left shoulder and see a deep cut covered in blood.
"Come on we need to get back, we don't know what that noise was." I tell him.
"Really Gwen? It was probably just a squirrel or something we'll be okay-"
"You don't know that!" I shout.
The noise echoes once more. We shoot up to our feet.
"Please! Let's just go." I plead.
He nods and we head back. We get to the security gate and the alarms sound and the security team push us back.
"What the fuck!?"
"You can't go in until your checked." One of the team members said
"This is bullshit! We fell out of a tree! Just let us the-"
"Hey let them in!" Yelled a voice. "Sir we can't-"
"Let them in." The voice repeated. "Yes sir."
My dad. He runs the village, makes all the speeches and decisions. We we're let in and me and my dad started walking.
"What happened?" He asked
"Oh for fu-"
"Language!" He projected
"We fell out of a tree"
"And where were you?"
"Just past the riv-" I began
"Past the river!? What did I tell you?..."
"Not to go past the river" we said in unison
"And you continue to disobey me!"
"Dad we we're just having some fun!"
"You could have been killed by those things!"
"But we weren't... I'm here!"
"Yes but you could've!..."
The whole village square went silent.
"I can't loose you Gwen. I lost your mother. I can't loose you too."
He walked away and I was left standing alone. The village bustle continued after watching what just happened.

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