Chapter 22 -Still Alive!

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      See, even with all your toys, you are still a failure! It's hard to believe that you are my own flesh and blood. I think I'm gonna have to teach you another lesson, boy!
      "No dad, please no! I… I can't get free. Please help me! Daddy… please!"
      What is that you're doin? Weeping! I don't help weepers. Weepers need to stand up and help themselves. You've learned nothin' in your pitiful life. Look at you, ha ha ha, it's even comical that you fell for this trap. And you think you're a genius. Ha ha ha ha!... You know what? I've decided to let you face the consequences of your own stupidity. So long son! Bye bye! See you on the other side! Or will I? Ha ha ha!...
      "No, daddy! Please help me! Don't leave me here! No! No! ...No."
      The image of Arnold Hatcher's late father faded before he said his last 'no'. Although he knew it was a delusion, it seemed... so real. He couldn't help but respond. This truth made him so angry he lost all control. Firing his weapon uselessly into the lava that was like a bubble around him.
      "I hate you," he said. Then he yelled full voice while firing his weapon, "I hate you!"
      His weapon was useless here, so he holstered it. He tried to move in the lava. Impossible. The only way he knew which way was down, was gravity. He had no idea where Darren was. He was probably in the same predicament. So, what could he do. As the shields sparkled around him he wondered what would become of him? His air supply would last for about two hours. The shields would last indefinitely, drawing power from the heat around him. Where was he? Probably submerged in the endless flow of magma circling the core of the earth…


      Darren Trent was in the exact same situation as his friend Arnold. Two hours later he breathed his last, while regretting his choice of Arnold Hatcher as his best friend. Seven minutes later, his shields bumped up against the solid crust of the earth. Slowly, the magma solidified around his dead corpse. Leaving a bubble in the solid rock. Someday, maybe millions of years into the distant future, it would be cracked open like a geode, exposing his perfectly preserved corpse.


      "We did it! I can't believe it! Your idea actually worked!"
      "Thanks Kyle. That really helps me feel confident about my future decisions."
      "What? No, that's not what I meant. Sorry I…"
      "Hey you guys. Come join Mark and I for a round of pool. You better chalk up your cues, because even though I have to use this rake, remember I have new and improved vision. I would also like to break you two up. I want Dean to be on my team, because I figure if the hero is on my side, how can I lose."
      "I'm no hero."
      "What are you talking about? That's exactly what you are."
      "No, no, Sink, what I did was not very much, it's what anyone would have done…"
      "And that's exactly what a hero would say. Plus, you're wrong. Not everyone would have done what you did."
      "Thanks, Sink. I think we need to decide who's team will break."
      "It's already been decided."
      "... So, who's gonna break?"
      "Who do you think?"
      As Dean Robert's chalked up his cue stick and leaned over the pool table, he smiled.


      Arnold was sweating. Not because it was hot, but he realized he only had about one hour left of air. One hour of life left.
      When his shields bumped up against solid rock, he at first didn't understand what had happened. He could hardly see anything from inside his bubble. Only shimmering, sparkling shields... except for a small little blotch...
      When it finally dawned on him what had happened, he unholstered his weapon, pointed it as far as he could tell, perpendicular to the surface and fired. He fired again widening what he thought was a hole in solid rock. The freshly made lava flowed down around him and the pressure from below forced his shield bubble up into the hole. He now started firing on a steep incline. The rock became lava and the pressure from below continued to push him further up the incline. He kept this up, pleased with the speed of his ascent. He knew he had a long way to go... Even if he didn't make it out of here before his oxygen ran out, at least he was busy and distracted from the imagined rebukes of his abusive father.
      Fifty one minutes later he began to worry. Two minutes after that his shield bubble was spit out of the lava into the darkness. There was a glow from the lava offering a little light. Was that a stalagmite? He realized he was still too close to the lava. He needed to get some fresh air. He activated his lights, ran to the edge of the cavern that he realized he was in. He looked at his stored oxygen indicator. It had stopped decreasing! He was now using the air from outside his shields. When he turned off his shields he realized it was warm in this cavern, too warm. Starting a perimeter check of the cavern, he came across an empty lava tube. There was a very slight cool breeze that he felt on his sweating face. He knew that he would slowly cook if he stayed in the cavern. Not wanting to turn his shields back on, he hurried into the lava tube.


      Susan Edward's snuggled next to Dean. She didn't care about the holomovie they were watching. As long as she was with Dean, everything was good.
      "Hey you two. Get a room!"
      "Come on honey, let them have some time together. Can you melt the butter for the popcorn?"
      "Okay Becca, and don't stop me from teasing my friends. Do I bother you about your friends when they come over?"
      "No you just sulk in the basement all evening."
      "Aw, for crying out loud. Do you see what I have to put up with? Are you sure you two want to get married?"
      Dean laughed, "As long as we're close like you two, then we'll be okay."
      "Close? ...Yeah, we're close, but… ow! What are you doing Becca? Trying to kill me? ...See how close we are? Close to a stabbing is more like it. Sometimes I…"


      Arnold could see a faint light ahead, so he turned off his lights. It was coming from up above… Only about fifteen feet up. Piece of cake. He climbed up to the opening and looked out. He gazed out at a beautiful green forested mountain. Looking down at a sheer vertical drop of about 600 feet he sighed.
      "Nothings ever easy, right dad?"
      Taking his weapon, he made some adjustments and fired just below the entrance.


      Dean, frowned. This was not good. How was it possible? There could only be one reason why he was looking at what was before his eyes. He shook his head.
      "I don't understand it. We sent those guys into a raging hellfire. How did they get out without divine help?"
      "We don't know if they both got out Kyle."
      Dean looked up at the hand holds melted into the rock every foot or so up the side of the cliff. They stopped at a small ledge about 600 feet up.
"It must have been very difficult climbing down. He would have to wait until each melted hole cooled. Imagine hanging on the side of a cliff waiting for that? His armored gloves would slip on the stone. He would probably have to take them off, to get a good grip. I wonder if he burned his hands… Kyle, check with nearby hospitals to see if anyone came in with burns to the hands in the last two weeks."
      "Yes, boss…"
      "Hey Mark."
      "Do you think they both survived?"
      "No, I don't see how one of them could have survived."
      "I agree, there is no way they could both be alive. I think the reason why one of them did, is because of an incredible fluke."
      "You're probably right, but just incase, we will be searching for two."


      Arnold was awakened by his own moan. His muscles ached intolerably. His hands screamed, as if they were on fire.
      He knew Darren could not have survived. It was a miracle, he survived the ordeal.
      What should he do? Good question. He believed he had survived for a reason. He would wait. Wait for himself to heal. Then, he would very carefully plan all of his next moves. One thing is for sure. He would never underestimate officer Robert's again. No, rather the first thing he would plan, is officer Robert's death. Preferably a very painful death. After all, his own friend's death must be avenged. Darren, the first thing I will do, will be for you.


      "Looks like there are no reports of anyone with burned hands that match our description."
      "That's too bad. Thanks Kyle. So Mark, what do you think will be his next move?"
      "Make no mistake, Dean. He will definitely be coming after you."

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