Chapter 3

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The Day After

Lucy woke up happy and warm. She didn't want to get up, so she instead tried readjusting. The only problem was that she couldn't move. There was something holding her down. She moved her hand onto the object, only to realize it was the arm of a certain someone, and that the certain someone didn't have a shirt on. It didn't help that she had a terrible headache.

She didn't know whether to wake Natsu up and yell at him, or to stay in Natsu's warm grasp a little longer. She decided option two, and put her hand over the one holding her. Natsu pulled her closer to his chest in his sleep. Lucy giggled to herself and enjoyed his warmth.

"I wish I could wake up in his arms everyday," She thought to herself, "But there's no way he feels the same way."

Lucy felt Natsu start to wake up, so she closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep, not wanting to get caught. Natsu opened his eyes and laid them on the gorgeous blonde in his arms. He couldn't help but smile to himself. But soon reality hit him.

"If she wakes up with me holding her she's gonna kick me across the room," And with that thought he got out of Lucy's bed and picked up his shirt. He put it on and walked into the bathroom.

Lucy frowned when Natsu got up. She wanted to enjoy cuddling with him a little longer. She groaned and rolled out of bed. She walked into the kitchen and got to work on some breakfast for them both.

When Natsu got out of the bathroom he was greeted by a smiling Lucy at the stove. He smiled back to her and sat on her bed.

"So why are you at my house? And by the way breakfast is almost ready," She flipped an egg in a pan and waited for his answer.

"Do you have any memory of last night?" He asked. She looked at him with a hint of worry.

"No. Oh my Mavis tell me what happened," She said and turned back around to flip another egg.

Natsu reminded her of last nights events and Lucy sweat dropped.

"This reminds me of the day after the award ceremony," Lucy sighed, "But at least it wasn't as embarrassing this time!"

She laughed and placed two plates on the table. Lucy gestured Natsu over and they sat and started eating.

"After we eat do you wanna head over to the guild?" Lucy asked the dragon slayer. Natsu finished his breakfast within seconds, while Lucy ate at a normal speed. Natsu nodded and smiled at her.

"Thanks for breakfast Luce," He grinned. Lucy loves when he uses that nickname. She smiled back at him and finished eating. She put the dishes in the sink and walked to the bathroom to take a shower.

She turned on the water and stripped out of the clothes she's been wearing for the past 24 hours. As she enjoyed her shower, Natsu sat and read some of Lucy's book manuscripts secretly. After Lucy's nice shower she wrapped a towel around herself and walked out of the bathroom.

"Your turn baka," She spoke as she walked towards her dresser.

"Aww do I have to?" Natsu whined.

Lucy turned to him and looked him deep in the eyes.

"A-Aye sir!" Natsu quickly got up and sprinted to the bathroom. Behind the door you could hear him rush to turn on the water and take a shower.

Lucy chuckled to herself as she got ready for the day. She wore a pink tank top and a white miniskirt, with brown knee-length boots. She put her hair into her signature side-ponytail with a black ribbon.

Natsu finished his shower and quickly got dressed in his usual outfit. He walked out of the bathroom and looked at the beautiful blonde.

"No I can't think of her like that. We are partners. I don't want to ruin our friendship." He internally sighed.

"Ready to go, Luce?" He asked. The blonde nodded and headed for the door, only to be picked up from behind by Natsu.

"Hey what are y- put me down baka!" She was being held bridal style and wouldn't be let go of. She sighed as Natsu opened the window and jumped out of it. Lucy held on for dear life and nuzzled her head into his chest.

"Why Natsu?"

"Because Luce, it's more fun!" He grinned his toothy grin and ran to the guild with Lucy in his arms. Lucy was secretly loving this. She took in his scent and smiled.

Lucy could feel people's eyes on them, but she ignored it. Natsu didn't mind one bit. He was just happy he had the girl he was in love with in his arms.

Before entering the guild, Natsu gently let Lucy go. She glared at him but smiled. Natsu pushes the doors open and walked into the guild with Lucy. The guild waved and greeted them. Natsu immediately turned his attention to the ice make wizard. Lucy went to the bar and sat, ready to watch Natsu and Gray fight.

"Good morning Lucy!" Mira smiled as she wiped a glass from behind the bar.

"Heya Mira! Can you get me a shake?" Mira smiled and went right to making it. Lucy turned back to the fight.

"What was that flame brain?"

"Don't make me say it again, ice princess!"

They glared at each other with their foreheads touching. Right as they were about to throw their first punches, they were stopped. They looked up to see Erza glaring at them. Erza grabbed their heads and slammed them together. Gray and Natsu fell to the floor.

Lucy rolled her eyes and turned, seeing Mira coming back with her shake.
"Arigatou," Lucy leaned down and drank her delicious treat.

"Of course! Now I'll be right back. I have to go and make an announcement," Mira responded before heading to the stage. The curtains opened and there stood Mira, ready to say something.

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