Chapter 18

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Job Requests

A tall figure came out of the forest, followed by a whole group of similar monsters. Lucy and Natsu immediately got into fighting stance.

"Open! Gate of the golden bull! Taurus! Star Dress!" Lucy quickly summoned Taurus and changed into her Taurus form.

"Fire dragon iron fist!" Natsu yelled and charged at the first monster. He easily knocked it out with a few of the monsters behind him.

The group of about 30 monsters quickly changed to 0. Lucy sent Taurus back and changed into her normal clothes. Natsu blew some smoke from his mouth. Lucy smiled and gave Natsu a high five.

"We make a great team! Let's head back and claim our reward!" Lucy cheered. They walked back to the cottage only 20 minutes away and claimed the small reward. It didn't matter to them since they didn't take the job for money.

They headed back to Lucy's to rest. Lucy walked along the ledge of the river with Plue following close behind. Natsu walked next to her with his hands behind his head. They arrived and walked in. Lucy grabbed Plue and sat on her bed. Natsu plopped down next to her.

"I guess I'll go take a shower. Don't burn my house down while I'm gone!" Lucy warned.

"Don't worry about me! I'll just chill with Plue!" Natsu responded. Lucy smiled and locked herself in the bathroom. Natsu turned to the wobbling celestial spirit.

"Oi Plue! I'm thinking about getting Lucy a gift. Got any good ideas?" Natsu asked.

"Pun pun!" He replied, as wobbly as always.

"That's a good idea! Where do you think I could find one?"

"Pun pun!"

"I'll make sure to check there tomorrow. Thanks, Plue!"

"Pun pun!"

Natsu picked up Plue and smiled at him. He was a very interesting spirit, but cute nonetheless. Why Natsu understands him? No idea. Maybe it's some dragon slayer thing.

Lucy walked out of the bathroom dressed and saw Natsu cuddling with Plue. She giggled and decided to leave them be while she made some lunch. She could hear the faint snores of Natsu as she cooked.

When she placed the finished food on the table, the snoring stopped. Natsu ran over to the table and looked at the delicious meal.

"Thanks, Luce!" Natsu quickly started eating. Plue walked over to Lucy. She put him in her lap and ate. She gave Plue some grains of rice from her serving.

"So what should we do now?" Natsu asked when he finished eating. Lucy shrugged and put the dishes in the sink.

"I think I'm just gonna have a lazy day." Lucy said and walked over to her bed with Plue.

"I might as well take a shower," Natsu said and walked over to the bathroom. Lucy got under the covers and snuggled close to Plue. She heard the water start before she started to doze off.

She was barely awake when Natsu joined her and wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close. She smiled and fell back asleep.

Natsu was so happy that he finally confessed to Lucy. He's wanted to hold her and express his love for her for as long as he can remember. He fell asleep and started to dream of the beautiful blonde in his grasp.

Over near Hargeon, Jellal and Erza were looking for some bandits who stole from a businessman. The sun was starting to set, which meant that they would have to find a place to spend the night. They were far from town, so they would have to camp.

They found a good area and set up camp. Erza started a fire while Jellal looked for food. He came back with two fish in hand. They sat and roasted the fish.

Erza finished and stood up to grab her sleeping bag. While walking over to it, she tripped over a rock and fell. She fell right on top on Jellal, only inches away from his face. She blushed a deep shade of red.

"S-Sorry about t-"

"You know, you're very adorable when you're embarrassed." Jellal interrupted, making Erza blush even harder. He chuckled and closed the distance between them.

They shared a long, passionate kiss before they set up their sleeping bags. Erza saw the sleeping bag for two people that Juvia had one time. She grabbed it and looked over to Jellal.

"W-Would you w-wanna s-share this with m-me?" Erza stuttered. Her face rivaled her hair. Jellal looked at the sleeping bag and giggled.

"Of course."

Erza set it down and slowly crawled inside. Jellal followed. He wrapped his arm around Erza's waist and snuggled up close to her. Erza was overwhelmed with happiness. Being in Jellal's arms made her feel so secure and comfortable.

With smiles on their faces, they both drifted off to sleep.

When they awoke, they gathered their gear and continued looking for the bandits. After a 30 minute walk, they caught glimpse of them. Erza quickly dealt with them with ease. They grabbed their reward and got a train back to Magnolia.

On the train, Jellal had fallen asleep on Erza's shoulder. She couldn't help but notice how cute he looked when he was asleep. His bangs covered his face, so Erza took her hand and swept them to the side.

When they arrived in Magnolia, Jellal awoke and noticed he fell asleep on her shoulder. He blushed slightly.


Erza just smiled at him.

"I didn't mind!"

They walked back to the guild, where Erza immediately ordered some strawberry cake and chatted with Jellal. This was her new normal after he joined Fairy Tail.

She loved her new normal.

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