Chapter 6

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Beach Day

After napping for an hour, Lucy awoke. She stretched and got out of the bed. She walked onto the balcony and looked out on the beach. She saw Gray and Juvia playing around in the water. She smiled to herself and enjoyed the sea breeze.

Behind her she heard a door open and close. She turned to see Natsu at the front door with a bag in hand.

"Oi Luce! I brought you some food!" Natsu placed the bag on a table and grinned at Lucy. Lucy walked back inside and shut the door to the balcony.

"Arigatou! I'm surprised you didn't eat it all," Lucy laughed. Natsu simply smiled and walked over to his dresser.

"When you're finished eating we should go to the beach," Natsu said as he whipped out his swimsuit.

"Hai!" Lucy finished her late lunch and walked to her dresser. She grabbed her swimsuit and walked into the bathroom to change once Natsu finished.

The second Lucy left the bathroom, Natsu grabbed her hand and ran through the hotel. He didn't slow down for a second when they went down the seven flights of stairs. Lucy was exhausted by this. Natsu noticed and picked her up bridal style. He continued to the beach, never slowing down.

Once they were at the shore, Gray noticed them and smirked. Natsu wouldn't let go of Lucy and headed to the water. Lucy realized his intentions and desperately tried to free herself.

"Natsu let me down! Don't you dare drop me in the water!" She pushes against his chest but it was no use. She accepted her fate and held on to Natsu. Natsu reaches the water and trudged through until it was at his waist. He looked down at Lucy, smirked, and threw her into the water.

Lucy gasped as she flew through the air and fell towards the water. She hit the water and immediately shivered due to the cold ocean. She swam up to the surface angry and cold. She gasped for air and shivered, hugging herself and glaring at Natsu. Natsu was dying of laughter.

"You baka! It's freezing!" Lucy walked over to Natsu to slap some sense into him. She raised her hand in the air, preparing to hit him. Natsu noticed and smirked.

"Well I guess you don't want me to warm you up then," Natsu chuckled. Lucy debates whether to slap him to make him warm her up. As she thought about it she didn't notice the figure approaching her.

She felt a pair of arms wrap around her from behind her and she instantly began to warm. She smiled and embraced the warmth.

"I'm still gonna make you pay. But for now let's get out of the water," She looked up at his onyx eyes. He sighed, but then quickly got excited. He picked her up and ran to the shore.

"I'm gonna make the best sand castle ever!" Natsu places Lucy down and immediately got to work. Lucy sweat dropped but decided to help him.

Other Fairy Tail members were also enjoying their day at the beach. Erza was sitting in a beach chair, tanning and enjoying herself. Gray and Juvia were playing in the water and splashing each other. Happy was bringing Carla a fresh fish that he found in the water. Carla still refuses to accept Happy's fish.

Lisanna and Mira were playing volleyball with Kinana and Laki. Wendy was burying Romeo in the sand. Elfman was screaming about how the beach was manly. Evergreen blushed in embarrassment and covered her face. Levy was reading while she tanned. Gajeel was sat next to her and snacked on some iron.

Everyone stayed at the beach until around 6:30 and went back to their hotel rooms. Those who were staying for the meet up started to gather around. Erza helped Mira set up everything. Natsu noticed a grill and his mouth started to water at the thought of delicious food.

For the meet up, Mira placed large blankets on the sand to sit on. She also set up two grills and a table to place all her ingredients on. The blue sky was slowly changing to an orange and pink one.

Once it was seven, everyone was sitting on the large blanket. Those who came to the meet up were Lucy, Natsu, Gray, Juvia, Erza, Levy, Gajeel, Bickslow, Freed, Wendy, Romeo, Elfman, Evergreen, and surprisingly, Laxus.

Mira stood in the middle of the group that was sitting in a circle.

"Thanks for coming guys! I'm gonna make some food and then we'll get started with the activities! For now, chat!" Mira walked over to the grill and started grilling some fish. Levy got up and helped her cook.

The group chatted about their first day of the trip. They joked and laughed with each other about how angry Natsu was when the water destroyed his sand castle. Natsu just sat there with his arms crossed.

"Well I wasn't the one who was swallowed by a huge wave," Natsu scoffed. He glared at the ice make wizard who was guilty of this. Gray glared back and their usual fight was about to begin. As they stood and charged each other, Erza simply stood in between they and glared. They quickly sat down again.

"Alright! Who wants some food!" Mira finished grilling some fish. Natsu and the others stood and grabbed a plate. They helped themselves to the delicious looking grilled fish. Natsu quickly ate three of them while the others were just starting the first one.

They finished eating and sat back down in a circle.

"Now let's start the activities!" Mira squealed. The group couldn't help but worry at Mira's reaction. She was clearly plotting something.

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