Chapter 16

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Can't Say No

"Oi Luce! Can I sneak into your house without getting Lucy kicked from now on?"

"No way!"

"I thought you could only say yes for the next 24 hours?" Natsu smirked mischievously at her.

"I didn't know you were paying attention to the game. Well fine. I won't Lucy Kick you for sneaking in." Lucy sighed.

Lucy didn't actually mind now that they were together. She just didn't want the guild to tease her about being together with Natsu.

Natsu walked over to her. He leaned in and put his hand against her ear. He whispered, "You're mine." He smirked and walked away.

"Who knew the dense Natsu had this side to him?" She thought. She was blushing like crazy. She decided to just go home.

"Well I have stuff to do so I'm gonna go home. See you guys later!" She turned and walked out of the guild, headed towards her house.

She walked along the river and hummed to herself. When she got to her house she sighed a breath of relief. She finally could enjoy her place without packing or tasks.

She walked into the bathroom and started to fill the tub. She stripped and got into the bath. She relaxed and enjoyed the warm water.

When she was done she wrapped herself in a towel and walked out of the bathroom. She was greeted by a familiar fire wizard. He grinned and waved at her.

"Why am I not surprised you're here?" She sweat dropped and walked over to her dresser. Two strong arms wrapped around her waist from behind. A chin rested on her shoulder.

"Because Luce, you're mine."

Lucy's heart began to race. She loved this Natsu. She turned around in his embrace and kissed him. He happily kissed back and pulled her in closer. Lucy wrapped her hands around his neck, and they continued to passionately kiss.

When they finally pulled away for air, they were both smiling like crazy. Lucy forgot she was only in a towel until it fell to the floor.

"Kyaa!" She quickly covered herself and grabbed her towel. Natsu just blushed and chuckled.

"Why are you always naked, Luce?"

Lucy blushed and rolled her eyes at him. She grabbed some clothes and ran into the bathroom to change into them. When she came back out, Natsu was laying on her bed with his hands behind his head. His eyes were closed and he had a smile.

Lucy ran over and jumped onto him. He opened his eyes and grunted at the sudden attack. Lucy laughed and Natsu just smiled at her. She readjusted and laid on top of the dragon slayer. He wrapped his arms around her and looked into her chocolate eyes.

"Are you mine Lucy?"

"Y-Yes." She blushed.

"I don't know... that didn't sound very convincing. Guess I'm gonna have to prove that you're mine." Natsu smirked at the blushing blonde. He leaned up and kissed her neck.

"Natsu I-" He pulled back and looked at her again.

"Let me rephrase. Can I prove to you that you're mine?"

Lucy realized what he was doing. She frowned at the grinning Natsu. She remembered she couldn't say no for 24 hours.

"Yes..." She blushed profusely.

Natsu flipped them so now he was on top of her. He smirked and kissed her soft lips, instantly being kissed back. She ran her hands through his spiky hair. Natsu moved his kisses from her lips, back down to her neck.

Lucy was still in shock that this was the Natsu she knew and loved. He stopped and glanced back up at her.

"Are you mine?"

"I am yours, Natsu."

"I'm glad you know you belong to me." He presses his lips against hers and kissed her roughly, but with lots of passion. She felt him smile as they continued to make out.

Back at the party, Gray had a little too much to drink and was showing off his smooth moves. Juvia couldn't take her eyes off him. She walked over to him and joined him.

Cana and Gildarts were having a drinking competition. Evergreen was enjoying Elfman struggling.

Erza and Jellal were inseparable. Erza ate strawberry cake and talked with him.

"I don't deserve someone as perfect as you." Jellal frowned and looked away. Erza put her hand up to his face and turned him back towards her.

"You deserve everything. Your sins have been long repaid. They weren't yours in the first place. You were possessed by something evil. You are the nicest, smartest, most amazing man I know. Hearing you say that breaks my heart." Erza had a single tear fall down her face.

Jellal reached his hand up and swiped away the tear.

"I didn't allow myself to love you because I didn't want to hurt you. But now I see that all that did was cause more pain. I've already hurt you more than enough. I don't want to keep hurting you. I'm sorry. Just please don't cry. I love you too much to see you cry."

Now Jellal had a tear running down his cheek. Erza looked up at him and smiled.

"Y-You do?"

Jellal nodded and embraced the red haired wizard. Against his chest, Erza softly spoke, "I love you too, Jellal. I always have."

Jellal smiled to himself at her words. He pulled back and cupped her face with his hands. He looked deep into her eyes.

"I will never hurt you again. I promise." He inched closer to her and closed his eyes. Erza's heart was beating hard against her chest.

She slowly closed her eyes and their lips met. The kiss was soft and meaningful. It only lasted a few seconds, but that was all it needed. The guild was too busy partying to notice what happened between them.

Erza slowly fluttered her eyes open to look at his eyes once more. She smiled and rested her head against his chest. He wrapped her arms around her and held her close.

The first day back in Magnolia was one that wouldn't be forgotten.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter minna-san! The Nalu and Jerza moments make me so happy even though I wrote them lmao. Thanks for the love and support! I can't believe I have 500 reads! <3

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