Remembrance - Wilson

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The scientist was feeling frustrated. The stared at his blueprints then back at his experiment. It definitely did not look right. He went to readjust something small, and the whole thing came tumbling down. Wilson grumbled.
"Say pal,"
His radio rasped
"looks like you're having some trouble!"
Wilson quickly tumbled over to his radio. Picking it up. How was this possible? He could never get any singles out here.
"I have secret knowledge i can share with you." The voice coaxed.
"If," It croaked
"You think you're ready for it."
The failed scientist quickly nodded, eager to finally have an answer.
"Alright then!"
The radio spurted nonsense as Wilson held it up. It was a deep well of forbbin and useful knowledge, Wilson thought he'd never get to the end of it. He cracked a smile, knowing now what to do.
Wilson quickly got to work, catching a few mice that rampaged through his house and tying them together with their own tails. He wrote down the steps in his book. Then he began to hammer the machine together. After the base was complete, Wilson went to a beaker. He stumbled down the steps and into the shabby kitchen. He quickly grabbed a knife and swiped it across his palm. Wilson let the blood drip into the beaker. He never believed in magic, never. But this time he did. The elixir poofed, and before he knew it his creation was complete.
"Excellent!" The radio boomed
"Now, throw the switch!"
Wilson hesitated, staring at his creation. It seemed to be staring right back. Did the radio instruct him to make a face shape? It sure...
Wilson's thoughts were cut off by the radios demands
"Do it!"
Wilson grabbed the lever and pulled it down. The machine bursted to life, looking even more like a face as well as a portal. The radio let out a wicked laugh as Wilson backed away. His gut churned with fear as he stared at his creation. The ground under him suddenly felt soft as two shadow hands swept up from his floor. They snatched Wilson and dragged  him into the darkness before he could even let out a shriek.

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