Chapter Five*

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Weeks passed before Asani saw Christian again. She knew that she shouldn't have felt so depressed over Christian, since he was nothing more than a rich prick. But she liked him, she liked him a lot and she wanted him. Asani had managed to have many men in her life, but no man that she ever slept with, made her crave them afterwards. She craved to hear the sounds of Christian's moans, of his begs, she wanted to make the lad scream. She was so sexually frustrated that she couldn't even think straight.

Christian was in the same state of mind. Whenever Anastasia would touch him, he would automatically close his eyes and imagine Asani touching him. He wanted to taste her, he wanted to feel her and most of all he wanted her to control him. Christian had always been the so called; man in charge, the dominate one in a relationship, but when he was handcuffed to Asani's bed, something about it made him so damn horny. Christian had been having dreams about Asani for over two weeks, and each time it was him either being bent over the bed with Asani smacking his *ss with a flogger, of her pushing down a c* ck ring down onto his er*ct member, of her tying his hands together, and her bringing him to the edge of c* mming, and denying him from doing so. He wanted to visit her again, so he decided after his work ended for the day that was exactly what he was going to do.

" Thanks mate." Aiden laughed as he sat down beside Christian at the bar. " How are you feeling? You look a bit sick today."

" 'M okay, I've just got a lot on my mind." Christian replied before taking taking a sip of his beer.

" What's on your mind?"

" Money, my parents, Anastasia..." Christian trailed off. He wanted to say that he was lying and that the only thing that was on his mind was Asani, but he couldn't tell his best mate that or that he had or* l s* x with his cousin whilst handcuffed to her bed.

" Okay, we'll start with Anastasia. Why is she on your mind?" Aiden asked.

" Because she's a slag, is why. I found her in the bed with Xander a couple weeks ago." He explained. " And what bothers me the most, is that I wasn't even faised by it. I was actually quite happy to find her in the bed with him, not because I despise her, but because it was a valid excuse to dump her. But when I told my parents, they called me a liar and told me that I was f* cking up my future. I'm just tired of it, I'm tired of my parents controlling me, I'm tired of being with at girl that I am not in love with. Hell Aiden, I don't even really know what love is, but I know that I'm not in love with her. I despise her with my entire being, but I can't do a single thing about it. Mum told me to get my Sh *t straight, and marry her before December, but that's four months away, and then I'd have to be around her either until I died, or she did, or when my parents pass so that I can divorce her. I hate it!"

" Mate, you really need to tell Anastasia how you feel about her. I know that I've told you this over a hundred times now, but if you're unhappy why would you want to make yourself suffer more than you already are? Your parents would eventually understand." Aiden said as he took notice of tears forming within Christian's emerald eyes.

" I can't, I can't disappoint them. I don't want to disappoint them." Christian explained. " I just want Anastasia to hate me, so that she can break up with me instead of me breaking up with her."

" Well, then you need to think of what matters to you the most. Does your happiness matter to you?"

" Yeah."

" Your parents matter to you obviously, but does Anastasia matter to you. Do you see yourself married to her in a year, happily?"

" Not at all." Christian admitted. " I don't believe that I could ever be happy with her."

" Then catch her in the act."

" What do you mean?"

" Catch Anastasia cheating on you."

" But that would make me a hypocrite." Christian said before he could stop himself.

" What do you mean?"

" Nothing." Christian mumbled. " Nothing at all."

An hour later Anastasia showed up at the club, much to Christian's displeasure. She begged and pleaded with him, stating that she was s* xually frustrated and that she wanted him to bend her over the desk in his office and F* ck her until she saw stars. Christian declined in which made Anastasia angry and she screamed at him, stating that she hated him in which he replied that the feeling was mutual. Anastasia stormed out of the club and Christian smirked, most likely she was running to Xander' flat again.

So an hour later, Christian drove to the opposite side of town to the only girl that he truly wanted to see, Asani. Beautiful blonde haired Asani Brown, the girl that Christian found himself lusting over. Christian quickly made ran up the stairs to her small flat and pounded his fists against the door. A minute later, Asani answered the door. Her blonde hair was rolled into curlers, her face was make up free and she was in nothing more than a long t-shirt with the word Obey written across her breasts, Christian found her absolutely stunning, he didn't understand why he did but he loved the natural look on women verses the caked on make up and false eyelashes.

" Christian?" Asani questioned with sleep in her voice. " What are you doing here?"

" I couldn't keep myself away from you any longer, please may I come in?" Christian said desperately.

" By all means." Asani said as she opened the door wider so that Christian could enter. " What's going on?"

" I'm going mad." Christian said as he ran the fingers of his right hand through his hair. " I need to stay away from you, but I can't. You're taking up my entire mind, and I don't understand why. What you did to me, when you handcuffed me to your bed, lit a fire inside of me and it's been burning for the last two weeks. Please, please make it stop."

" What do you need me to do, love. Tell me, and I'll give it to you."

" You, please. Anything, just need you. Hug me, S* ck me, I don't care, I just crave your touch. What you did to me left me absolutely speechless. Asani, You leave me speechless Asani."

" To be honest with you, I feel the same way." Asani admitted.

" What can I do to make myself important to you?"

" Follow me." Asani said as she begun walking towards her bedroom. Christian followed behind her like a lost puppy into her bedroom.

Asani opened up an manila folder that was placed on top of her dresser and brought out a packet of papers that were stapled in the right hand corner. She handed the packet to Christian and he stared down at it with widened eyes. " What's this?"

" You want to make yourself important to me, yes?" Asani said as she grabbed a black inked Bic pen from on top of the dresser.

" Yeah."

" Then look through this packet, and if you agree with everything that is written in it them sign your name. We can go into the kitchen, if you'd like."

" Yeah, that'll work." Christian replied.

Asani said nothing more before walking out of the room and into her kitchen. She sat down at her kitchen table and Christian sat opposite of her. " You need to pay attention to every single word that you read, and if you have any questions then ask me."

Christian looked down at the packet and frowned at the title, Contract of Ownership. He flipped the page to where it asked about his name, address, phone number and so on. Then flipped to the next page. He slowly read across the words: p* gging, usage of c* ck rings, caning, light b* ndage, over st* mulation, and org* sm denial.

Christian finally looked up at Asani with furrowed eyebrows, " What is p*gging?" Christian was slightly embarrassed because he had never saw nor heard that word used in his entire life.

" P* gging is the usage of st* p - ons. " Asani explained. " But if you are not into that kind of thing, then you just can cross out whatever you find too extreme."

" Well, I am always looking forward to try new things." Christian laughed.

" Continue reading." Asani told him and Christian did just that.

A half an hour later, Christian had managed to read the entire packet. His brain felt as if it was swelling with everything that he had learned from the packet. But he was more than excited, the entire time that he was reading the packet, his c* ck was so hard that he felt as if all the blood from his head went to it, he was standing er* ct and ready to go.

" I think, I think that I want to sign." Christian told Asani.

" Christian, Christian, Christian." Asani smiled. " If you sign this, then you are mine. Do you really believe that you can handle being owned and controlled?"

" Yeah." Christian nodded. " Hand me the pen, please."

Asani smirked as she slid the black inked Bic pen across the kitchen table. Christian picked it up and placed the tip down onto the paper. " I can get out anytime that I want, right?"

" Yeah, all you have to do is say so. And the contract will be null and void." Asani replied.

Christian stared down at the paper for a few minutes, he wanted to sign his name onto the dotted line. He wanted Asani to control him, in more ways that one. So he sighed as he signed his name, Christian E. Foster across the dotted line in cursive. The ink seamed to stare back at him, almost mocking him for giving into his s* xual desires.

Christian slid the paper back over to Asani, and she smiled from ear to ear. " Welcome to my world, pet."

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