Part 10

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Finally the paladin was destroyed RWBY back up and running but now came something far worse than the paladin. Something that would test them mentally and physically....The Dance. Two team member already had a date, Weiss with Neptune and Blake with Sun. Within the span of a few hours RWBY had all gotten their dresses on and ready to go to the Dance to more than likely be awkward but hopefully have fun with nothing too bad happening. Walking through the door or more so stumbling while trying to keep balance was Ruby who had heels on, she got greeted by her sister and complemented while cursing the shoes she was wearing and 'walked' off to a seat. Yang greeted more guest through out the night and laughed along with everyone when Jaune came in with a rather 'peculiar' clothing on. Once a certain time hit Yang was able to stop being an usher and joined along with everyone else dancing with some friends while others (Like Blake and Sun) danced together to some more...slow songs earning a smirk from Yang and a little bit of shock from everyone else. Yang was talking with friends she made besides JNPR or her teammates, Weiss was trying to dance with Neptune but it was a bit awkward but funny, Blake as said with Sun and Ruby...who was lonesome. She looked at her teammates and friends and saw they were all busy and made an awkward face while looking down and sipping some estu- I mean some lea- I mean some punch but looked up when she saw a pair of expensive looking black dressing shoes step in front of her, looking up all she saw was that he was clad in black including his undershirt and tie but landing upon a face that has a mask that covered his eyes (Like those type you see in fancy dancing movie scenes) she looked into his eyes as if they glowed a tad bit but snapped out when he held his hand out.

???:Hello madam. Would you like to dance?

He said in a calm smooth voice.

Ruby:W-why m-me?

She said stuttering due to how opposite their emotions were.

???:Well it's quite upsetting to see such a beautiful girl such as yourself here not enjoying herself.


???:Quite. This song is almost over, I'm quite positive the next won't be as mellow. So will you?

He said gesturing to his hand once more, she looked around to see no one was paying attention to her.


She said grabbing his hand and him lightly pulling her to him and moving towards the dance floor. He got into a dance position Ruby was completely ignorant to and began to try and move but facing resistance to a now worried and nervous Ruby.

???:No need to be so stiff. Just let me guide you.

He went to a more 'known' position and placed both hands on her waist while he instructed for her to wrap hers around his neck and for a good while they were slow dancing and surprisingly Ruby was enjoying herself and unconsciously rested her head on his chest while smiling and he slightly rested his on her head. A few second later the DJ in a low tone announced "Ladies and Gentlemen we'll be switching to something more upbeat after this~".

???:Having fun?

He asked in a low smooth tone.


She replied softly with a tiny blush. They danced for a little bit more until he lifted his head and took a hand off her waist and lifted her head up by the chin making her look into his eyes.

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