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(Excuse any grammar issues)


Salem: *Moan* that was a good nap.

She says while stretching and sitting up on her bed. Looking over she saw (Y/n) with his back to her sleeping as well.

Salem:Oh (Y/n)~

Grabbing his shoulder and turning him over she saw him semi-awake.

(Y/n):Uhhh what time is it?

She shrugs and gets up out of bed to her closet to get some clothes as to not be naked. (Y/n) of course smirked as he registered what was in front of him.

(Y/n):'Maybe I'll let myself love again, her presence is quite nice.'

He through while looking at the ceiling.

Salem:Hey should we head out to Atlas and see what's up?!

She shouted from inside the closet.

(Y/n):Yeah sure, if ya want!

Stepping outside she was in her normal dress but her hair was down.

(Y/n):You do know that you look so much better with your hair down?

She hummed and sat down on her bed with her back to him.

Salem:I know.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and propped her up on his leg.

(Y/n):Well that's good...

They looked at each other.

Salem:Maybe we should go see them in bit.

She said while pushing him on the bed and doing adult things with him. Back with RWBY they too had been captured after getting a good beating.

Ruby:What's going to happen to us?

She asked sad in her cell.

Yang:I'm not sure rubes but we'll get out of this place.

They sat in silence until Weiss' cell opened and 2 black stormtroopers came in and forced her up, the same happened with the rest.

Yang:Where are you taking us?!

All they said was "move" in a scrambled voice and shoving then if they got too slow. After some walking and a failed attempt and escaping they made it to a large room which had a throne with Vader standing next to it.

Trooper:Lord Vader, they're here.

He looked at them in silence for a bit.

Vader:Good. Master Genitive should be here soon.

He said looking at a pad which crackled with electricity every now and then.

Vader:Bind then.

The troopers hit the back of their knees and they fell, after they got cuffs out and cuffed all of them but did so in a way that made it so it was impossible to move individually. . . . .

Ruby:Why'd you do it?

Looking up from the ground he made contact with Ruby.

Vader:Because my master commanded it.

Yang:You sound more like a dog!

Vader began to force choke her.

Vader:He is the one who gave me life, he gave me revenge, He gave me Power.

Gamer-ish x RWBY (Male reader x rwby)Where stories live. Discover now