The fight!

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[✔ Edited as of 16th June 2014]


[Saturday evening - 6PM]

The boys had a free night in this city before they played a show tomorrow, so they got dressed up and so did I.

I was wearing my black jeans, along with a black and gold Slipknot tank top, boots and brown leather jacket.

I dressed up quite different to see what I could pull off, I had curled my hair with huge curls, making me look like a rocker from the 80's wet dream, and I knew the boys would like it. 


As I walked out of the bathroom, Danny was the first to notice me. He automatically dropped his comb and stood there with his draw dropped to the floor.

Danny was the guy in the band who loved 80's things, and especially women.

I smiled at him and waved, trying to play around with him a bit.

"Fucking hell, James, keep her locked away from me or I'll fuck her so hard, I break her legs off." Danny said, holding his hands up and shaking his head, trying to stop checking me out.

James looked around to see what I looked like, and he opened his mouth wide too. 

"Woah." He said, making everyone else look around and do the same thing.

I had five men all looking at me as if they were seeing a beautiful Godess.

"Well, you look different don't you?" James said, smiling and still checking me out as he walked towards me.

I was suddenly feeling shy, I hadn't been shy since this time last week when I first met them all. 

"It's not fair love, you can look hot whenever. In bed, normally and like this." He said, kissing me. 


We were now in the city, the boys had already went into lots of bars, sneaking me in with them too, as I wasn't legal to drink.

I was holding James' hand at all times, unless he was getting a drink or going to the toilet.

I felt safe around him, and I felt happy knowing he was officially mine, I wanted to make sure I was showing him off a little to the other ladies that kept walking by and giving him loving looks.


We arrived at a new club, and we were all sitting at a table which was by the bar and by the darts.

Ben and Cameron were playing darts, whilst Sam and Danny were talking to some girls they were interested in.

I was sitting on James' lap watching Cameron and Ben argue over who'd won the game, because neither of them knew how to correctly play darts.

We were both laughing at them as James had his arms around me, and I was messing with his hands like a child with keys. 

"I love you." He whispered and kissed my cheek.

I smiled and turned to him. 

"I love you too James." I said, brushing my lips lightly against his, teasing him for a kiss. "But not enough to hold my need for a piss, so you're going to have to wait for some loving."

James grumbled as I moved his arms to his sides and jumped up off of his lap, turning towards the toilets.

"Don't be long, I want to kiss that pretty little face of yours." James called from behind me, making me smirk.


As I stood in front of the mirrors, making sure my hair and make-up still looked nice, another female came into the bathroom and stood behind me, glaring at me as I tried to sort myself out.

I frowned, turning to her.

"Urm, can I help you?" I asked to see what her problem was. 

"Look at yourself, trying to get all the men after you, you look like a filthy whore. Too much make-up aswell." She said, turning and walking into the cubicle.

What a rude bitch, she didn't even know me. 

"Well, you're fucking rude! You don't even know me, you're just jealous that I actually look decent and you look like you've just risen from the fucking dead." I snapped back.

She then had the idea to laugh and call me pathetic. I wanted to slap the laughter out of her, but I tried to stay calm as I turned on my heel and left the bathroom, walking back to the table.

I sat down again and took a huge gulp of whiskey, slamming the glass down on the table afterwards. James looked up at me with a frown.

"What's up love?" He asked. 

"Some fucking rude bitch just insulted me out of nowhere in the toilets, I was about to start a fight but I didn't want to spoil the night for anyone." I said, moving and sitting down on his lap as he kissed the back of my head. 

"Ignore her, it's probably a jealous old woman." He said in my ear, making me grin.


The same woman came out of the toliets not long afterwards, and made sure to pass the table and hiss at me. 


This was the last straw for me

I stood up and got the glass I'd just drank out of, throwing it and smashing it on her head.

As she screamed, Ben and Cameron came running over to see what had happened, James was looking shocked, not knowing what to do as the woman stood up and punched me in my face.

People were all gasping as she pulled back and went for another hit, but luckily Danny came from behind and pulled her from me, letting me have an advantage to head butt her.

She somehow got loose from Danny's grip and grabbed a bar stool, throwing it at me but missing.

Without me noticing, she got the broken leg and hit me before I could dodge it, I fell hard to the ground, bleeding and screaming in pain.

James ran over to me and shook me, trying to keep me awake. 

"Don't go to sleep, don't black out Amanda!" He yelled. "Someone call a fucking ambulance!"

Ben and Danny grabbed the woman who'd hit me, making sure she couldn't run before the police arrived.

I heard people screaming and running out  of the club around me, and Sam shouting. "Amanda, don't pass out!" 

I wanted to reply to him, but I couldn't, everything blurred around me as I tried to keep my eyes open, but then, darkness engulfed me.

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