All aboard!

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[Edited as of the 7th of April 2014 ✓]


When we started walking up the steps onto the tour bus, my heart was pounding.

I think James could tell, because he was still giving me a cheeky grin. I couldn't help it though, I was so nervous. 

James opened the door and gestured for me to go in, so I did.

I grabbed onto my necklace because I was scared to death. I just wanted to cry but it would ruin my make-up. 

When I got in, James followed and shut the door behind him.

He then walked up behind me and put his hand on my shoulder. It made me flinch a little, because I wasn't expecting it, but it was nice, James made me feel safe already.

All the boys were messing around on the floor, wrestling with one another. I could hear Ben laughing.

"Oi you fuckers! We 'ave company, it's a lovely lady, her names Amanda, she's a tour fan." James shouted at them.

When they heard "lady" they all looked up at me. I wanted to run off at that moment because I was so scared. 

They all got up, looking at me, observing like I was their prey and they were the predators.

I saw Danny smirk slightly, and then he started towards me. 

"Alright love? I'm Danny, as you already know." He greeted.

"He-hello." I said stuttering. 

He chuckled merrily and gave me a hug, he felt so warm and smelt so nice.

"Don't be nervous love, you will get used to us. Normally when people meet us they are screaming like idiots, but I guess you're older aren't you? More mature." Danny said.

"And old enough to fuck!" Ben shouted, making everyone laugh. 

But not me, I felt quite uncomfortable around them, I knew they were well known for the sexual jokes that they made, but then I realised that I was the only girl on the bus with them.

One girl and five men, this wasn't going to end well.

I let out half a smile, trying to get used to their company, quickly, because I really wanted to hop off the bus already.

"How old are you?" Ben asked. 

"Nineteen." I replied with a small smirk.

"Well then, you're old enough for us." Cameron said in his sarcastic cheery voice. 

"Stop bloody scaring her, she won't want to come on the fucking tour with us if you keep saying creepy things." James yelled at the boys.

They probably would've looked and James and listened, but, all of a sudden the bus started moving. 

"Here we come tour!" Sam shouted, turning to me. 

"Hey!" He said nicely. "Are you okay? You look shit scared of us." 

"I'm good, just quite nervous, and I'm really trying not to fangirl at the fact I'm on a bus with my favourite band ever." 

James and Sam looked at each other, and then at me, both smiling.

"That's cute." Sam said. 

I blushed a little after he said that.

I was already beginning to love this idea of being on tour with the wild Asking Alexandria.

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