Past is Present and Present is Past

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Okay, so in this story, everything is canon except for Joker. John still became Joker but he was more lenient, didn't beat anyone half to death, and barely used his ability. He only threatened to in order to get the information that he needs (though of course, everyone still knows how powerful he is). Oh, and he never challenged the royals but The Joker is still big news for the school and no one knows that it's John (Except for Arlo. Isen never found out about John).

Description: Some chosen students were granted a special field trip by Headmaster Vaughn(through raffle), John was chosen, much to his distaste, but because Seraphina still has not gotten her abilities back and wasn't permitted by her mother to join the trip, he is all alone to fend for himself, and how the hell was it possible for all the chosen students to be mid and high-tiers, making him the only low tierThe tour experienced some disruptions in their schedule and had to merge two tour groups into one. (I think you can guess what school the other group is from)


John was having a fairly decent day. He somehow managed to pass his history test that he barely had time to study for, and only had to go to the infirmary twice today. (the doc was still NOT happy to see him)

All of it went downhill though when the names of the students who were joining the trip were announced.

It all happened like this. 

John was just at the back of the class, minding his own business when the intercoms in the classroom turned on.

"Is this thing on? Oh wait, it is!"

That made a couple of students snicker and others had to refrain from face palming themselves.

"As you all know, we initiated a raffle last week in order to determine who would be joining this year's field trip. I do regret to say, but some students had to be disqualified due to parental complaints."

A few students groaned from this, knowing that their parents were some of the ones that talked to the headmaster and pulled them out.

"But nonetheless! Here are the lucky students!"

John was tense as name after name were announced. He was not looking forward to this. He tried to beg his father to pull his name out but that proved to be ineffective. Apparently, he needed this in order to socialize more.

"John, Zeke and Isen! And those are the last of them. Have a good day students." he heard a click and with that the room was in silence.

Overcome by this sense of impending doom, John covered his face with his hands and sighed. 

He was so dead.


As the bell rang, John ran straight to the door in order to avoid any mid-tiers that wanted to show their dominance.

He scoffed at that thought. If only they knew... They'd be too scared to bump into me.

On his way to the lockers he noticed a familiar pink-haired student cornered near the science classroom. His blood boiled at the sight of his best friend sporting a purple bruise on the left side of her cheek, most likely from getting punched by these morons.

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