Valentine Heartbreak - Marichat

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Marinette's P.O.V

It was late. 11:34pm. The end of Valentines Day. I was exhausted and... heartbroken.

I had just finished patrol with Chat Noir, in which we didn't do anything, no akuma attacks were present. Thank god. I really wasn't having it today, not after what happened earlier this morning and afternoon.

The words still run through my head...

"I'm sorry... Marinette... but I... I'm... in love, with somebody else"

It repeated constantly throughout my mind, all I could think about were those words. And it hurt. It hurt so so much. It felt like my heart had just been torn into a million pieces all at once, like my very soul had just shattered. And on top of that I ruined Chat Noir's heart as well. He had confessed his love for me and I snapped at him. I felt so bad and I hate myself for it. He didn't deserve it.

I can still remember how much it took me not to ball my eyes out right there and then in front of Adrien. I didn't want to look like a fool.

After I got home from patrol, I detransformed behind my balcony and then swung my leg over the low brick wall, walking to the balcony rails and resting my arms on the bar.

Tikki came out behind me and I could hear her small sigh coming from behind my back "It's okay Tikki" I said bluntly, trying to put on a brave act. Tikki shook her head with a concerned look "You don't look okay Marinette..." she told me.

And it was true, I felt like absolute crap.

A tear shed from the tear duct of my eye and I could see the drops of salty water falling onto the metal bars of my balcony.

"Would you like to be left alone for a little bit?" Tikki asked. I sighed and turned to her with a nod. Tikki respected me and flew back inside my bedroom.

I really couldn't let it in anymore and dropped to the concrete ground of my balcony and burst out in tears. They were flowing like a heavy water fall, streaming into a flooded creek.

I covered my eyes with my hands as they became drenched in my tears.

Chat Noir's P.O.V

Patrol with Ladybug was a disaster.

She shattered my heart into a million pieces and threw it on the ground. I knew something was off, but I brushed it off and I confessed to her.

She snapped at me. I can still remember the moment.

"M'Lady, I have to tell you something"

"What is it now Chat?"

"I love you Ladybug. I have been, since the first moment I laid eyes on you. The way you help save the people of Paris, you're kind, caring, brave... beautiful. You amaze me Bugaboo"

"No Chat. Don't do that to me"

"D-do what M'Lady...?"

"Pretend like you're in love with me. You are the biggest flirt I know. I wouldn't be surprised if you've said that exact same thing to other girls."

"But...b-but M'Lady, I don't-"

"Save it Chat Noir. I'm going, leave me alone please"

It hurt. It really really hurt. It was the worst moment of my life. Just as bad as when mom died.

It was very late, almost 12:00am. I didn't wanna go home. I decided to roam around Paris for a little bit, just to process and release my negative thoughts.

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