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So Rebecca and Colby were in London doing press and they did a interview together for a wrestling podcast.
The interviewers name was Ben and John.
Ben and John went on stage.
Ben: Is everyone ready?
The crowd erupts and started to chant Rebecca's name as well as burn it down.

John: Please welcome to the stage the man Becky Lynch and the beast slayer Seth Rollins.
Rebecca and Colby walked on stage and sat in their seats knowing that they were going to be interviewed.
Ben: First I would like to thank you for you giving up your time today.
Colby: Thank you for having us.
John: Becky I'm going to start with you how does it feel breaking barriers and giving girls around the world hope?
Rebecca: I started this when I was fifteen and it's crazy that I'm some of these girls role model like I take that seriously and I want to be a woman who breaks more barriers.
Ben: Seth how do you feel about the women's evolution?
Colby: I think it's great their finally getting the platform to showcase what they have and to show us men how it is done.
John: It has been a big year for you both what was your favourite part inside the ring and outside of the ring?
Colby: Inside of the ring when I beat Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania and bringing it back to Monday night raw and outside of the ring was when I asked Becky to be my wife.
Rebecca: Inside the ring becoming Becky 2 belts and outside of the ring I have two 1. Getting engaged and 2. Being on 2k20 with Roman Reigns.
Ben: Seth how did you deal with people loving you one minute and hating you the next minute?
Colby: I think people like to have a fighting champion and I was doing my best to bring the universal champion back to raw every single day and I also think people love to boo people that are on the top.
John: Becky you talked about this before but you were the first woman to be on the wwe video game and also the first women to be on the cover of espn how did you feel about the covers.
Rebecca: I'm very happy about being first woman to be on those covers I thought that I had a great year in 2018 but I think 2019 just beat it.

Ben: While we have got you two we would like to to play a game are you in?
Colby: Yeah what do we get if we win?
John: Bragging rights because it is going to be The man vs The beastslayer.
Rebecca: You're going down.
Colby: The last time we went head to head she took the up up down down title from me.
Ben: This should be easy John an I will take turns asking questions to Becky about you Seth. So Seth can you step out of the room until we get you.

Colby leaves from his chair and and stepped out of the room knowing that this game wasn't about winning but seeing how much Rebecca knew about her future husband. A few minutes later John got Colby and they went back and sat down on the stage.
John: Are you ready Seth?
Colby: Yes
Ben: Who is Seth's favourite wrestler?
Colby: She definitely knows this one it's Shawn Michaels.
Becky said Shawn Michaels so she has one right.
John: When was the first time Seth kissed you?
Colby: I think it was on our second date.
Becky said on our second date.
Ben: Who said I love you first?
Colby: Definitely me.
Becky said you but she also said only by seconds.
John: Last question what is your favourite match of this year?
Colby: I'm torn because their was the final match with the shield, beating Brock Lesnar for the universal title, seeing my girl main event Wrestlemania and the extreme rules match so I cannot pick one.
Becky said the shield final match or her main eventing.

Ben: One last question and then we are done Seth how did you know that when you went to Hawaii you were going to propose?
Colby: Well in 2016 we went to Hawaii with friends from wwe and in 2019 going to Hawaii with just her I knew that our relationship had evolved into something special.

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