part 23: twfanmily

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**hello again! hope your all enjoying reading the fanfic! I know I am enjoying writing it! You might have already noticed but I get a bit excited, make a plan and then this fanfic carries on for ages! So I just want to let you all know that in the next few pieces I will try to get the remaining girls with the boys and not let it drag on too much longer... After I finish this I might make like a sequal thing if thats ok with all the girls because I want this fanfic to have a proper start, middle and end! Anyways... hope you enjoy!**

Hannah POV: You would have thought we were world famous celebrities! It was crazy! The girls and I arrived in the shopping centre and there was people waiting for us... us...

*flashback walking into shopping centre*

person: Hannah! Joe!

Hannah: oh my god.

Joe: Do you know who they are?

Hannah: There part of twfanmily...

Joe: omg no way!

person 1: can...can...can...I have a hug?

Joe: aww yes, come on sweetie

person 1: thank you! Ahh Can I have a photo?!

Joe: yeh, of course you can!

person 1: Thank you so much!

Joe: Whats your name?

person 1: Sophie

Joe: Ah ok, nice meeting you sophie!

person 1(sophie): nice meeting you too! Thanks Hannah and Joe! Are the other girls here?

Hannah: yeh, there just coming now! Caitie, Annie, Megan! Get over here!

Megan: We've just had a group of people fangirling at us...

Annie: I know! It was like we were famous!

Hannah: same here! This is sophie, Sophie this is Megan, Annie and Caitie.

Sophie: I know! I think you and Tom are a realy cute couple Caitie!

Caitie: aww thanks!

Megan: oh dont look now guys... I think we've been recognised again...

Megan POV: Not even joking there was about 80 people here... All talking to us. They all knew our names... It seems news gets round very fast when Tom Parkers girlfriend tweets where she is going shopping today!

Hannah POV: They were all so lovely, people had brought fanbooks for the boys for us to give to them, we didnt mind giving them to the boys. All of a sudden a giant bear flew across the sky. No joke it was huge! A teddy bear of course, turns out it was from a fan called Lucy, she wanted me to give the teddy to Jay haha!

Hannah: You know Jay gave us some money this morning?

Megan: yeh...

Hannah: Why dont we buy everyone a drink? A coffee or something?

Megan: sounds like a great idea!

Hannah: Hey everyone! Why dont you follow us, we'll go for a coffee or something, have a chat? Sound good?

people: yes!

*20 mins later*

Caitie: yes! I am going to the party, I cant wait! Oh wait hold on...

*on phone*

Tom: hey princess!

Caitie: hey TomTom

Tom: you and the girls enjoying your shopping trip?

Caitie: yes! Well we havent done any shopping yet!

Tom: How come?

Caitie: we bumped into some people...

Tom: oh cool who?

Caitie: There amazing and there is alot of them.

Tom: I dont know...

Caitie: guess!

Tom: I have no clue...

Caitie: oh fine! Some of your fanmily!

Tom: no way!

Caitie: Turns out when your dating you, people read your tweets and end up coming to meet you!

Tom: wow! Are they being nice?

Caitie: There lovely! Hows your day been?

Tom: Its been great actually, we finished early so we were gonna see if you girls had finished, but as you havent... maybe we should come a pop a long...

Caitie: That would be amazing!

Tom: ok, so we'll see you in like 10 mins?

Caitie: ok! see you later!

*hangs up*

Fan: was that Tom?

Caitie: yep!

Fan: wow! Anything exciting?

Caitie: nope just telling me boring stuff haha!

Fan: ah ok!

*30 mins later*

Nathan: do you think there ever gonna notice?

Max: no...

Nathan: I know right! We've been sitting here for what 10 mins.

.. Tom, Caitie knows were here right?

Tom: yeh, all the girls do...

Max: oh well... shall we just sit here till they notice?

Jay: Doesnt it look a bit obvious though? 5 lads sitting and chatting with the same accents, hairstyles and everything...

Siva: I know! Bless our fanmily arent very observent!

Nathan: wait hold on shush...

*music in background*

"I wanna put my hands on her hands feel the heat from her skin..."

Max: you thinking what I'm thinking?

siva: wait till the chorus!

Jay: ok... 3,2,1

Boys: I found you in the darkest hour, I found you in the pouring rain...

fan: that radio makes it sound the boys are right here haha

Nathan: I said people....

fan: I would be sure they were here...

Max: *whisper* shall we just turn round?

Tom: *whisper* lets just walk past casually and see what happens...

*boys scroll past fans and the girls*

Nathan: oh hey girls.

Joe: hey nath'

fan: oh my god.


Max: I think they noticed! *laughs*

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