part 27: your moving in with...?!

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**hello my lovely people... anyway i just want to start off by saying I wrote this piece last week but only just got round to posting it on here! Basically in the next few parts are gonna be a bit behind in the months... if that makes sence...**


Max: megan...

that was amazing...

megan: no it wasnt! your just saying that!

nathan: he's not. that was stunning...

jay: beautiful... megan, have you ever sung before?

megan: i love singing but no not to anyone before...

max: seriously?!

nathan: wow... you had such confidence and an... a... erm...

max: absolutly amazing, pure gorgeous voice! how havent you been noticed yet?

megan: I guess I just havent put myself out there

max: megan, seriously why didnt you?

megan: i'm not good enough... besides I was too busy getting 5 boys to notice me on twitter!

max: oh did they?

megan: nope!

max: aww poor megan!

megan: they have now though...

max: oh realy? *winks*

megan: yes... I happen to be moving in with them too!

jay: your moving in with one direction?!

nathan: *snorts whilst laughing*

megan: hmn... not yet anyway!

max: not yet eh?

megan: haha no not yet!

max: ha!

megan: in the mean time... i am stuck with these 5 boys called the wanted... you heard of them?

max: erm... i think so... is there an incredibly hot guy in there called max?

nathan: and the most muscular man ever called nathan?

jay: in your dreams sykes!

nathan: oi!

jay: your be a man in your dreams... but in real life your my baby nath...

nathan: argh! *runs away*

jay: come here! *runs after nathan*

megan: oh dear...

max: thats jaythan for you!

megan: haha yep!

max: so shall we go home my little singing sensation?

megan: shut up you... you... annoying vampire...

max: seriously? annoying vampire?!

megan: what? its halloween soon!

max: after tom's party it is!

megan: well almost!

*back at house*

Joe POV: finally everyone had got home and it was time for us girls to finish last minuete preperations for Toms party and the boys to do their thing... when i say their thing its more like sitting on max's bed writing songs, putting them together and planning tours and stuff... with a bottle of beer of course!

caitie: see you boys in a bit!

tom: where you girls going?

caitie: were going to talk about girly things like what were gonna wear for a night out and stuff!

tom: ergh alright!

jay: well we need to talk about something important so its just as well you girls need to talk!

hannah: see you in a few then! *grabs a pack on maltesers from the cupboard*

*the boys go into max's room leaving the girls in the living room*

caitie: so girls... heres the plan... Tom and I will leave after you guys and the rest of the boys...

*10 mins later*

joe: that sounds good!

hannah: i cant wait!

Just a phone call away... (The Wanted fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now