Why Is There An Extremely Sexy Naked Man In My Lap?~

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Something heavy slowly sinks into my side, mushing me against my bed. My eyes crack open, a little wheezing huff rushing past my lips like a popped balloon. A few moments later, when the weight doesn't remove themselves from my body, I let out a strangled hiss-my warning.

"Good morning, beautiful." Sarah chimes, in her unnaturally chirpy morning-mood.

I hiss at her again and she rolls off of me. Deidara sits on my pillow, a few inches from my head, watching us strangely. Slick is curled into a lazy ball at the edge of the bed. He looks back when I sit up and we lock eyes. I contemplate kicking him off the bed when he shoots me an unimpressed look.

Grunting, I shift my glare to Sarah. She lies sprawled out beside me, grinning widely, her long dyed blue hair fanning out around her. I glower at her silently, bringing my leg sharply to my left-into her side. Her smile falters, her normal scowl sliding into place. "Jeesh, you don't have to be so violent."

I roll my eyes and kick at her again.

She swats at my leg and sighs softly, throwing her arm over her eyes. I slide back down and get comfy, pulling Deidara against my side so I can scratch his rump. He seems to be enjoying it against his will, butt slowly rising as he glares evilly back my way and meows. I ignore him and look to Sarah. "Alright, what's up?"

Sarah is my twin in disguise. She and I are closer than two peas in a pod. I've known her since sixth grade, when she bumped into me, literally, and sent us both flying down the stairs. We're both bookworms, Disney-nuts, and creative writers. While I look to make a career out of my ability, Sarah wants to become a Historian.

Though, with her random, funny attitude, I can't picture her in granny-glasses and a stiff suit.

"You remember that ass I was ranting about last night?" She grumbles softly, lifting her arm ever-so slightly so she can peek out at me. I nod. Who could forget? Sarah's mouth is about as clean as a sailors, though I can't say mine is much better, and she'd came home last night screaming bloody murder. I nod and she continues.

"Well...it was Carlos."

My blood runs cold.

Carlos...Carlos is an egotistical male who has an unhealthy obsession with the blue haired woman beside me. I hate him with a fiery passion. Right now, he's so lucky it's illegal to kill, because otherwise, I would've gleefully tortured and killed him by now. He believes that Sarah is madly in love with him, and that they are going out. He gets extremely jealous whenever she is talking to someone else, even if they are of same sex.

I let out a bristled sigh. "You know what, I don't care if it's illegal to kill anymore."

She lets out a bitter laugh. "I wish you would. He scared away all my customers and if he does that again, I'll be fired. I know we don't really need it, with your and Alice's inheritance, but I still enjoy the discount I get on the books."

"Jashin, I wish I had one of the Akatsuki members here. They'd go kill him." I smile wickedly, stroking Deidara. Said kitty jerks and whirls around, away from my touch, glaring up at me expectantly. I poke his little wet nose lightly-giggling when his little blue eye goes cross-eyed. "Preferably Deidara. I'm particularly fond of explosions and I'm sure he'd willingly make it so we can only blow up one part of his body at a time."

"You just want him so you can rape him." Sarah chuckles.

"That too."

Deidara, the cat, looks mildly perturbed.

"Where are your kitties?" I ask Sarah, pulling my legs free of the comforter so I can go put some clothes on. It's Saturday, thank Jashin, so I don't have to really think about what I put on. Sarah rolls over with my movements and lightly strokes Deidara's head. The sight makes me smile, that one cat is getting so much love.

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