26.1 NERTI

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"Why is the dark child and her Sycvoriss spirit here, I thought the dark lands practiced perfect and total isolation?" Chela asked, bringing Nerti back to the confrontation. Before she answered they heard something rustling behind them. They all looked at the strange spot.

Chela clicked her tongue and quietly ordered one of her guards in the Cquirathi tongue to look at the area. The guard was quick, he ushered his horse to the spot, looked down smiled pleasantly then shouted something back in the same tongue. More leaves rustled and two figures stood up.

Nerti stared in disbelief as she recognized the man before her. It was Ing Ix, tired, dirty and rough in his black clothes. Jemedari was alive and well. Nerti felt resentful.

"You were hiding him?" Chela accused.


"My husband, don't act like a fool, it doesn't suit you." Nerti looked back at Ing and beside him she saw the golden-haired boy who fit Chela's description. His eyes gazed back at her and Nerti felt strangely aware of herself. The guard behind them said something and they started walking towards them. The dark child turned away from the unnerving stare.

"I will forgive this if you let me take what is mine." The princess ordered. Nerti only shrugged. The Predanx didn't mention needing the Stator. His presence would only pose a threat if the Marhem entered him and re-dominated Storan.

Two other guards came off their saddles and walked towards the golden boy, ropes in hand.

"You can't let them take him?" Ing shouted. Nerti sighed feeling herself being pulled into another mess.

"Why is that?" she asked without looking at the Stator. "This man chose to marry her, he belongs with his wife."

"It wasn't his choice." Nerti groaned in frustration. Choice.

"This man travelled to Cquirath willingly, how was it not his choice."

"It's a long story," Ing responded. Nerti tried to not grind her teeth.

"If you want him, one of you will have to fight me for him and not you porcelain boy." Chela added. A story has become reality. Nerti almost laughed. Almost.

"Well, dark child, you and I can't resolve things in single combat. Are the dark lands ready to go to war for the Stator of Storan. The very people you punished?"

"War? Why?"

"I am not a fool to fight you one to one. This will become matters of the state. Do you love him enough to risk that?"

"Love him? I only just met him." Nerti patience was wearing thin.

"Well?" Chela probed as Ing grunted much too loudly. Nerti remained silent.

The dark lands were probably already in war with Iling because of Qix Ix and the Marhem if the Predanx failed. She didn't need to add another enemy in their list.

"I will go with you.," The golden boy spoke in a brave yet mournful voice. Nerti caught Ing's pleading eyes and quickly turned away.

"The Sycvoriss will fight for him." said her lifelong friend behind her. Nerti looked back at Kaduri wondering how that was different from the dark lands fighting for him. Darkese and the Sycvoriss made the dark lands with no clear borders.

Turning back, she saw Ing exhale and his tense body relax. Ahead, Chela shook with anger and as if her horse could feel her, it grew restless. Her jaguars growled in response. The heiress looked at her husband again, and before she turned to leave she said,

"War it is. I would have saved that filthy land but now I will burn it to the molten core of this world." She galloped away and her five guards followed behind her.

"Heavens Kaduri, we were already freeing his land. Now we are going to war for him." Kaduri moved closer.

"Who was going to lead those free lands?" she asked. Nerti frowned.

"Another promising leader, I suppose." Nerti looked down at the two men below them. Ing cleared his throat.

"This is Raie, Stator of poor Storan. Raie, that is Nerti, the dark child and her companion Kaduri, a sycvoriss spirit, all from the dark lands." Raie looked at her, making her uneasy. Nerti came down her mare to level the ground between them, Kaduri followed.

"There was a time when I thought you would be dead. My nephew Qix Ix what of him?" How could he speak like time had not passed? Like he hadn't abandoned his land?

"He is safe in Yth, we were going to take him with us when were returned."

"Return from where?" Nerti ignored the question when she noticed Ing's eyes turn venomous as they looked at her friend.

"Why are you here?" she asked him but Ing must have not heard her. Instead he pointed at Kaduri.

"Your Sycvoriss companion killed my brother. Poisoned him with whatever fumes she stored in that gift box. You thought no one knew, but I know the truth." He shouted at Kaduri with such fury, it startled Nerti. He moved closer to Kaduri and Nerti came to stand between them. Ing was still barking.

"Why would you do it? Could it really be because the darkese broke their isolation vows or do you favor those of Iling. You cursed evil spirit." Nerti felt hurt as though she herself had been the target of Ing's accusations.

"Control yourself, Jemedari. My friend had nothing to gain from such an act. But you on the other hand, the commander, purifier, wouldn't killing the emperor make you Regent. And if the boy somehow perished or died, you would have been the last Qxlong fit for rule. Are you a hammer to rebels or their very puppet? Tell me. Where were you when your dynasty needed you? On an adventure, Sir? All that comes out of you are pretentious squirming lies." Ing shook his head violently.

"I was fulfilling a promise and those who told me the truth have no reason to lie." came Ing's trembling voice

"Well maybe they do." she shouted. Nerti felt her control slipping away. She got back on her horse and motioned for Kaduri to do the same.

"Do you have horses?" Nerti asked Raie. He nodded.

"Find them and follow us if you please. We are going to Storan to free your state, there is already an army there waiting." Raie glared at her.

"How ..Why. That's impossible." Every impossible had become possible.

"Then sit there until we prove you otherwise. But if you still want to lead your people, best you come."

"Wait. Before we leave, Ing wasn't on any adventure, he saved my life and he is the only man I trust. If I come, I ask to come with him."

Nerti looked at Ing's raging eyes. She would have believed whatever reason for such a journey but would never agree with the accusation he had made against her most trusted friend.

"As you please. They are your lands and the more fighters the merrier. I just warn the Jemedari to stay far from my friend." Nerti dug her heels and left not sparing another glance at the two men.

"We were waiting for..." Raie shouted.

"We won't." Nerti shouted back before he finished. 

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