27.1 RAIE

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The conqueror's chair was large, made of a black crystal that was as cold as granite. The chair was smoothly curved but the part that joined the wall was crooked and scaled with sharp edges. Above it sat a black crown made of black iron, embellished with black stones.

"You should wear it." Nerti told him as he picked it up.

It wasn't as heavy as he had thought it to be. He placed it on his head then sat on the cold lifeless throne. It was his turn to watch the mysterious girl.

She had gotten back to taking off her clothes. Nerti opened the buttons of her shirt and shook it off. Then she stepped off her pants, unaware of his gaze from the shadow post. When she was left with her undergarments she stepped into the pool and removed whatever was left and placed them on the hip of clothes on the tile floor.

The dark child sank into the water, and stayed in there until the room grew quiet and cold and every ripple she had made disappeared. Then, she rose again. The light that came from her eyes was gone, replaced by black pools, calmly staring at him but not seeing him. She stood deep in the pool, her black skin matching the dark water, her silk strands floating around her

"I come pure and the scales of time will never change me." Her voice resonated through the room as though it came from the walls or the very sky.

"I have not killed for joy.

I have not tortured for pleasure.

I have not stolen that which was not mine.

I have not worshipped the wicked.

I have not followed the corrupt.

I have not forsaken my guardians.

I have heard those who called.

I have pardoned those who conceded.

I have remained devoted to what I serve.

I am your Darkese child, second only to the dark twins of the dark lands."

Raie held on to the throne as the ground shuddered then came to a rest. Nerti remained still, her eyes open, as if she hadn't felt the tremor but was wise to let it pass. Then she continued,

"My hair is lightning that tears through the clouds. My face is the sun that grants sight. My eyes are stars that guard the skies. My ears, the air that creatures need bare. My nose the soil from which all grows and goes. My neck, water that shield and feed the land. My lips, love, that all beings crave."

Nerti started moving her arms, as though the depth had sunk deeper and she needed to stay afloat. Her expression never changed, black pools in an inky trance.

"My arms are Cquirath and Storan, My legs Aset and Mazonic. My womb Yth-Ird, my breasts Darkese and Sycvoriss. My heart and soul Erdunia. I am the two truths that exist as one. There is no member of mine devoid of the universe. Forgive this state and let it taste peace. Forgive this land and release the Marhem who do not belong."

She was done speaking but Raie could hear her words still echo in the hall. The water she was in turned a milky grey as though someone had just poisoned it. Again the trembles started and this time didn't stop. Nerti swam to the edge of the circular pool, her face was in agony as if someone had choked her. Raie stood but she raised her hand to stop him.

"You stay there. You stay with me." she added breathlessly. Raie's hands grabbed the throne, the crown began to feel heavy on his head.

The dark child rested her head on the tiles, her body still immersed in the pool. The land shakes didn't subside as the room grew darker and a mist settled over the open roof. Raie kept his eyes on the pool, at the frail girl in it.

He tried to focus his eyes through the grey cloud when a huge blast almost tore his ear drums. The land shook like they were being hit by an earthquake, before it settled another blast came again and again.

Before him, the girl laid motionless, her head on crossed arms over the pool tiles.

"Nerti," he shouted "Nerti," he stood to go to her but she raised her open palm again, motioning for him to stay where he was.

Raie did as he was told , he leaned back and closed his eyes. The room grew quiet, and the ground settled. His mind started drifting to a Storan he had never seen before.

A Stata that was alive with people roaming its corridors, a green forest standing beyond the fortress walls, houses populated with smoke rising from their chimneys, and he was their Stator. Then his sight travelled the vastness of the Erdunia, to foreign lands where his reign wasn't as beautiful and people looked at him with rays of hate. Yet whoever he was then, he didn't care. 

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