6. ING IX - Besotted Guide

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Ing Ix loitered in front of his quarters weary of entering his quiet rooms. The outer surface of his own smaller palace was lined with double walls that allowed an empty space in between them. The Eighth emperor, Qix Ix, who his nephew was named after, built his royal pink city over geysers. Hot steam springs that were complexly connected to the column walls of every building to make them warm during the harsh winter. Only homes of servants were excluded, who had to use hot stones to warm their homes.

He stared at his own silly pink walls that spilled out at the roof like a blooming pan. Even now the hot steam was vaping out. His interior walls unlike the emperor, were painted white to match his name, 'The purifier'. Someone would be in there waiting for him. He had seen the blue bird again.

Ing Ix entered his flushed glacier, passed through the planning room and headed straight to his private quarters. He thought of changing from his black attire but decided against it. He strolled to the only item and furniture besides his desk and bed.

The long table housed his flower and tea leaves collection. He didn't allow any servants in his quarters except for the young loyal boy Ye Li, who came at the end of the day to clear and clean things. Other than that, he preferred to be left alone.

After inspecting his impressive display, the commander settled for a cup of dandelion tea.

"Why so dark, has someone died?" The voice of the ghostly woman he hadn't seen for two years spoke. Though he wasn't surprised at her presence in his private room, he couldn't stop a cool chill from passing down his spine.

Ing proceeded with his tea. "No, just an arrival of an anticipated guest. Would you like a cup of tea?"

"Yes, the red flower one... hibiscus." Ing smirked

"You know my pile of tea." He stated more than asked. The woman nodded.

"The Darkese girl and her Sycvoriss companion are in Qxlong, how surprising?" she casually added.

"Yes, the emperor has proved to be a man capable of extraordinary things. He won an official visit from the dark lands."

Ing offered the cup of tea to the colorless woman also known as The Third. She hadn't changed since he last saw her. Her skin was still as pale as white ashes and her hair short and blunt, the color of pearls. She was dressed in a shirt dress split by the sides, embroidered with silver thread and white plain pants with a snow colored hood on her back. She matched his house perfectly though how the woman travelled and stayed clean in such an attire amazed him.

"I have come to ask for that promise you gave me when I saved your life from the depth of Iling's cursed wells. When no one but your breath was there and all who could protect you were dead or away. Do you remember that promise?"

"I do," answered Ing solemnly. The Third grinned, satisfied.

The oath he swore to offer his service whenever she needed it at whatever the time could never be forgotten. The colorless woman had saved him at an ambush he and his disguised small group of soldiers had suffered while spying on Iling. He had never understood how the woman happened to be there.

"The darkese haven't left their lands for five hundred years. I fear there might be repercussion for such actions. I fear the turning of the wheel, Ing," spoke The Third with her almond eyes far in thought. Ing remembered We Fe's words as he walked in the Emperor's room. 'The time is here.'

He pulled out two stools from under his desk and placed them at the center of his room. "What wheel?" he asked as they sat.

"I don't know. I just feel it, in every calling." Ing waited but The Third didn't elaborate. He decided to ignore her, having always had a distaste of misty tales

"Your sign, the bluebird, the darkese appeared to recognize it." The third waved her hand.

"The darkese believe it's a bad sign but in Yth its only to announce our arrival for those we rarely see."

"Why are you here?" he asked as she blew then sipped her tea.

"I need you to come West with me, to the Forest of Grenn." He tried to search her eyes but couldn't catch any clues.

"I though the reading forest only accepted books and not visitors?"

"Not anymore." She answered waving her hand around. "Things can change, you would know."

"This is a hard request. Those of Qxlong have never travelled west. It is forbidden to pass through the dark lands. Just because the darkese are here, doesn't mean I can leisurely stroll through their territories.

The third gulped her tea then stood to place the cup on the tea table.

"If your brother found a way to invite the darkese to Aset then am sure he has a few clues on how to pass through the dark lands."

"I doubt that. How did you travel to Aset, to my rooms?"

"I travelled from Yth-Ird and kept close to the shores of the Forgotten sea. The rest is skill." Ing rolled his eyes.

"If we go we would need to employ that way and skill. The emperor wouldn't volunteer any information neither allow me to leave. You forget that I keep his empire in order. Qen Il and Niv Il will pounce with a rebellion if they heard of my absence." The third was staring at his empty walls and Ing could tell his words had landed on deaf ears.

"A rebellion is the least of your problems. If your brother was wise..." Ing groaned

"But my brother is not wise." The woman studied the white roof thoughtfully.

"Tell him you are going south as a disguised peasant, to follow up on Iling's plans." Ing placed his head on his hands.

"You want me to lie to the emperor and abandon my post and home. What your suggesting is treason. If anything were to happen, I would need to be here to make sure my nephew's throne is secure." The third slowly paced back to where he sat, her face concealing rage.

"This is not a request to go well with your Aseti calendar, Ing Ix. You promised to receive the call. One man cannot stop a storm, it has to run its course. If Qxlong dynasty is to survive, it will survive, without you. But now, your duty is with me, in the west." Ing glared at the woman ready to deny her.

Her built was strong yet her eyes were much older, almost ancient, like that of man who had seen well beyond the possible years of life. She didn't need to harass him. He knew he couldn't go back on his promise. He had to honor his words.

"We leave on the engagement night, a few hours before dawn. Don't betray yourself."

Ing Ix kept his eyes to his cup as The third walked swiftly out of his quarters. Then, he stood made another cup of tea, drank it, disrobed then settled on his bed, not sparing a thought to the conversation he just had and fell asleep.

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