Keith's home was very beautiful, though maybe a bit over the top - Did he really need a two story, five bedroom house just for himself? - But I loved coming here and secretly wished that one day it could be my house, too.

I parked in the circle drive under the towering oak trees like always, and walked to the grand front door.

I rang the door bell and then pulled my hair to the front, smoothing it out.

Just a few moments later, the door swung open and Keith stood before me, with a polite smile on his face.

"Hi. Come in."

Smiling back, I did so.

Keith looked very handsome today in a turtle neck sweater, dark pants and dress shoes. I could tell he had just brushed his blond hair and he smelled of delicious after shave. Normally on his off weeks like these, he didn't get this dressed up for a day spent at home.

After I'd stepped through the threshold, he closed the door behind us and kissed my cheek.

"You look ravishing as usual," he said.

"I can say the same about you," I replied, my cheeks warming.

He gave me another kiss, this time on the lips, but it was quick.

"Let's go into the den and chat," he suggested casually, taking my hand.

We passed through the foyer and into the formal den.
I noticed right away that everything was exceptionally clean and tidy- more so than I ever remembered seeing.

Keith sat down on the sofa and patted the spot beside him.

"Hey, that's the green sweater you wore the day we met isn't it?" He observed as I sat down.

He was right.

"Yes. It's rather special to me now. Is that silly?" I asked with a little laugh.

"No... If anything, I'd say it's ironic," he said quietly. And then a sudden sadness filled Keith's eyes.

"What is it?" I asked, touching his arm ever so gently.

Keith didn't answer; instead he shook his head as if he were trying to clear his thoughts.

"Oh, I made you some tea," he said in a lighter tone, and motioned to two steaming cups on the coffee table.

"Earl gray with honey, your favorite."

"Thank you," I said, picking it up and taking a sip.

Keith took a hearty swallow from his cup as well. I knew without asking that his would be green tea, which was his favorite. I also knew that he didn't typically take tea this early in the day.

And why had he ignored my question when I asked what was wrong?

My stomach felt anxious suddenly, despite the warm, calming liquid I was sipping.

"It's a lovely day out, isn't it?" he asked, leaning back in the sofa, eyes glancing out the backyard window.

"Oh Keith, what is the matter?" I suddenly burst out. "You're acting strange. If something is wrong, please just tell me."

"Nothing is wrong, darling!"

But his voice was off.
I didn't believe him.

"Fine, I'll be on my way then."

I stood from the couch but he quickly grabbed my hand.

"No, Gwen please! Don't go."

And there it was again, that melancholy hue in his eyes.

Slowly, I sat back down, but I kept my face stern.

"Tell me." And then I added, "Please."

Keith angled his body on the couch so that he was fully facing me.

He let out a long sigh, closed his eyes briefly, and then looked straight into mine.

"Guinevere, sweetheart, what we have going on between us is.... amazing. Truly, it is. Meeting you, getting to know you, I've enjoyed every second of it more than I can say. I want you to know that. Okay?"

Is it too late to change my mind?
I don't think I want to hear this.

"The truth is, and please, don't be upset with me, please.
Gwen, I'm sort of, well, married."

There is a long moment of silence.
He's watching me carefully, gauging my reaction. My hands start to shake.

Finally I find my voice.

"Married?" I echo weakly.


"How can this be...." I trail off, feeling nauseated.

"My wife, April, she's been away for quite some time. She had to go to the United States with her sisters," Keith explains. "Her mother lives in Pennsylvania and grew ill a few months back. April was torn. She didn't want to leave, but I knew the band would be touring soon so I encouraged her to go and care for her for as long as she needed. All was going fine, and then, on the last show of the tour, I see you, standing there in the front row."

My eyes welled with tears as he continued on.

"You were the most beautiful thing I'd ever laid eyes on. Truly, you could be a model, my dear....
I should have left you alone, I know, but I just couldn't resist. I had to meet you. These months with you have been outstanding, Gwen, and I mean that. But now, my mother in law has recovered, and well, my wife is flying home today, as we speak in fact. She'll be here this evening."

I swallowed thickly, trying to process all that I'd just heard.

"Alright," was all I could manage.

A tear escaped and rolled down my cheek.

"I'm so sorry Gwen," he murmured.

Another quiet, awkward minute went by.

I took a shaky breath, wiped away the tear with the back of my hand and looked him in the eye.

"So that's it, then?" I asked, cutting him off. "Your wife is coming home and now you're... you're just done with me?"

"I don't know what to say except that I am sorry."

"So this is why the house is so tidy and you look so nice. You're preparing for your wife's homecoming. Why you, you absolute bastard!"

"I suppose I deserve to be called that."

Suddenly I couldn't sit next to him a moment longer. I stood to my feet and grabbed my keys.

"I'm going."

"Guinevere wait," he said, standing.


"I do need to ask one thing of you. Please, please keep all of this to yourself. If April returns and she finds out...."

I laughed bitterly.

"What? You'd be exposed for who you really are?"

His face took on a ghostly pallor.


"Darling," I said in the most sardonic tone I could manage. "You look a little pale. Here, maybe this will help."

At that moment I picked up the last cup of tea I would ever share with Keith Relf, and promptly threw it's contents in his face.

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