A few months later, on the evening of my sixteenth birthday, I found myself wrapped in the arms of my new boyfriend, Mark.

This isn't to say I was completely over Keith, because, truth be told, I wasn't. But Keith wasn't coming back to me, and Mark, sweet, baby faced Mark, was more than willing.

We'd been going together for a month now, and while he was an absolute sweetheart, he just couldn't give me the excitement that I'd been exposed to.... But he was good for me.
And for now, I tried to be content.

Mark kissed my forehead and sighed.

"I hope you've had the best birthday, Gwen."

I smiled up at him. "I have, thanks to you."

Mark, who was just a year older than me but in the same grade, had spent the evening with my family and I at my house. My mom prepared a delicious dinner and then we had birthday cake for dessert. Once we were finished there, Mark drove me into the city, where we currently sat on a cozy little bench, sharing hot chocolate, with a lovely view of the London tower bridge.

Romantic and simple....
Could it be enough?

Mark's sweet blue eyes looked into mine, and then he kissed my lips.

We stayed like that for a while longer, and then the air took on a sudden chilly note, so we decided to head back to the car.

Soon enough we were back at my house, and he walked me to the doorstep like a true gentleman would.

Another kiss, another birthday wish, and then he left, promising to phone me in the morning.

"I didn't doubt you would," I whispered under my breath as he walked away.

It was fairly late, everyone in the house was heading off to bed.

I took an extra long shower, wrapped myself in my favorite silk robe, then sat on my bed, picking up my weathered copy of Persuasion by Jane Austen.

I was only a few pages in when my telephone rang, startling me.

I popped out of bed quickly, trying to answer it before it woke everyone up.


"Hello, I'm looking to reach a Miss Guinevere Adley?" A clear, female voice asked on the line.

"This is she," I answered, wondering who would be calling at such an hour.

"Hi, Guinevere. My name is Nancy and I am the secretary at Sapphires Modeling Agency based right here in London.
You are of great interest to my boss and she wanted me to reach out to you. We'd love to meet with you and discuss what we presume to be your very bright future in modeling."

What in the world?
Was this really happening?

"Are you there, Miss Adley?"

"Oh yes, yes ma'am, sorry!
Yes I am very interested."

"Great! I'll let my people know and phone you again tomorrow morning, and we can set up a date for you to come to our office. Does that sound good?"

"That sounds wonderful. Thank you!"

"Oh thank you Miss Adley. We will be in touch tomorrow. Goodbye now!"

"Wait," I say. "May I ask how you got my telephone number? And how you heard of me?"

"Oh yes one moment, let's see...."

I could hear the sound of papers shuffling. Five seconds later Nancy was back on the line.

"I show we got an outstanding recommendation for you by a Mr. Keith Relf."

My heart stopped.... Keith did this?

"Thank you very much" I said slowly. "I'll be waiting to hear from you tomorrow. Goodbye."

I set the phone back into the receiver, walked to my window, and stared out at the starry sky.

I hadn't forgiven him for what he'd done to me, but in this moment, my heart was overwhelmed with gratitude towards him.

I went to bed that night with a smile on my face and a tear slowly descending down my cheek.

Those rockstars, I thought to myself.
They sure know how to give a birthday gift.

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