At last, we began our final descent into sunny Los Angeles.
The skies were a perfect, cloudless blue, and the Pacific Ocean below seemed to welcome me as its big, rolling waves crashed onto the shore.

After a little while, we finally came to a stop, and Michael and I exited the plane, hand in hand, heading to baggage claim.

Michael chatted the whole way about how the last time he'd been in the LAX airport, he was a little boy, and his parents brought him to Disneyland.
I listened as best I could, while my wandering eyes took in all their surroundings.

We found our suitcases and then headed outside.

"It's a beautiful day," Michael comments as we hop into our taxi.

"It sure is," the driver agrees.

Yes, it is, I think to myself as I stare, wide eyed, out the window.

The tallest palm trees I'd ever seen, sidewalks full of people with sun kissed tans, billboards with airbrushed celebrity faces on them, endless blue sea peeking out every now and then, a fresh excitement in the air for no apparent reason....
This is exactly how I'd imagined Los Angeles, and I was in love.

We ride in the cab for close to an hour, this LA traffic is no joke, but still it seems lighter than back home in New York.

Finally we arrive at our hotel, The Four Seasons in Beverly Hills.
I'm telling you, Eileen doesn't hold back.

Michael tips the driver generously, and then we hop out, grabbing our luggage from the trunk.

After checking in at the front desk, we ride a mirrored elevator to the fifth floor.

I figured we would have a suite waiting on us, and again, I wasn't disappointed.

Mini bar, full kitchen, custom stocked fridge, spacious living area, separate bedroom with an enormous king sized bed, romantic jacuzzi, private balcony with a view....

Needless to say, Michael was having an absolute fit.

"This is incredible! We're living the life, baby."

I laughed, reaching up to kiss him.
His ability to constantly amuse me was a big part of my attraction to him. He kissed me back, then scooped me into his arms and carried me to the bedroom.

While Michael probably could've stayed inside all day, it wasn't long before I'd changed into my swim suit and suggested that we go to the beach and explore.

After chatting with a more than willing bellboy down in the lobby, I learned that the the closest beach from here was Santa Monica.

"Be sure to explore the Pier and take a ride on the Ferris wheel," he said with a loose, lazy eyed smile.

I thanked him, then turned around to tell Michael, but he was gone.

Now where did he go?

A minute later he came around the corner with a half empty glass in his hand.

"Babe, they have an open bar in the afternoons for their 'special' guests. The guy just asked for our name and room number and said that we definitely qualify as special. I just got two free Brandy's. Can you believe it?!"

"Oh that's amazing, darling."

I grabbed his hand and pulled him along, my cheeks flaming red as we walked past all the amused hotel employees.

We took the bell boy's advice and visited the Pier first. It was a lot to take in, but again, I loved it.
The food, the music, the people.... and if at any moment you needed a break, you just walked to the edge of the pier and gazed out at the breathtaking pacific. A handful of surfers could be seen, too, catching the waves.

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