Lifting Weights Off of Shoulders

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When Phantom arrived in Amity Park he looked around hoping to find Sam. When he flew over the park he saw her which caused him to lower to the ground, hide behind a tree, then transform into Fenton. He walked over to Sam "Hey Sam I think we need to talk..." Danny said when he was close enough to her Sam looked over to Danny with a small frown on her face. "Yeah I think we need to talk as well." She said before crossing her arms over her chest.

"I think we might not be as good of a couple as we thought." Danny said weakly.


"I want to break up with you." Danny blurted. Sam's eyes grew large from shock then she narrowed her eyes.

"What's your reason for breaking up with me?" She asked as she glared at Danny. "I'm pretty sure I'm the only one with a real reason." Sam spat, clearly still annoyed at him.

"Well we've been friends for so long I don't think we make as great of a couple as we've always thought we would since there isn't anything new to learn about each other. And I'm drained, and tired after all of our fights I can't make it a routine to fight with you pretty much every time we try to have a date. Plus I think we both thought that our relationship would be different, but it's the same except pretty rocky. So I think we should see other people."

Sam's glare went away and her crossed arms became loose as she dragged her boot back and forth. "I guess those are some good reasons since I was probably just going to scream at you about always being late to our dates..." Sam pursed her lips into a thin line. "And I guess we really shouldn't be together, and seeing other people will be good for us instead of staying in this bad relationship." Sam sighed.

Danny smiled slightly "I guess then it's agreed we are officially breaking up."

"Yeah, but I want to know something first, before you go." Sam huffed out. Danny cocked his head to the side signaling for Sam to continue. "I've heard that you've been becoming buddy buddy with Vlad for a while why didn't you ask him for help ghost hunting?" Sam asked looking at him suspiciously.

"Do you really think that Vlad would help me with ghost hunting." Danny deadpanned. "Besides Vlad still sometimes attacks so he won't be that big of a help." Danny snorted.

"Yeah I guess you're right..." Sam snorted out. "Though this break up will make things awkward."

"Yeah, maybe it's best if we just take a break from each other for a while then maybe we can try our friendship again." Danny offered.

"Of course." Sam agreed nodding her head slightly as a small smile tugged at her lips "I'll see you when ever then." Sam waves as she slowly made her way away from Danny.

"Yeah, see you whenever." Danny waves back. Then he turned to leave as well back to his house to turn in for the night.

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