Shocking Discovery

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Danny stared at his friend Tucker not knowing what to say, so he just laughed hoping it sounded realistic "Yeah... funny." Tucker still thankfully being clueless looked away from Danny and turned his attention to his computer. Danny was glad that Tucker had looked away since the more he thought about it the more his face burned. Danny wished that he could deny having any feelings toward Vlad especially since Vlad was older and a man. Danny wasn't gay... was he? No, no he wasn't... riiiight? Danny face palmed as his face grew a very dark shade of red.

When Tucker started talking again Danny was thankful for the distraction from his thoughts. Though it didn't last long, before he knew it he was transforming back into Phantom and flying home for dinner. That's when thoughts about Vlad started to surface, and before he knew it, he was in his bedroom with a very red face. Danny even lay awake at night with his mind racing about thoughts of Vlad, he denied liking Vlad but his mind came up with a new thing to like about Vlad. He didn't know what to do confess his feelings and probably get laughed at by Vlad, or keep it a secret for as long as he could before Vlad noticed. What was he going to do with the new-found information of being GAY what if nobody liked him anymore.

What if Sam got mad at him? What if his parents disowned him? Danny had heard stories about people being disowned because they weren't straight, but he also heard stories about people being accepted and loved. But Danny didn't know what would happen he wanted desperately to ask Clockwork what would happen. Danny fell asleep letting his mind wander as he entered the dreams cape.
AN-Sorry it's a little short, but that's all the plans I could think of for this chapter plus it's Friday, so I felt a little lazy yesterday and today when writing also with the title I couldn't think of anymore that would fit. So I might be posting small short chapters, normal length chapters, or even long ones. Though the next chapter I promise will be longer.

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