1.I started out as a demigod.

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I woke up very early in the morning.Even though it was storming outside,I was sweating profoundly.Nightmares again!!! A woman's scream,green light,high pitched laughter. Percy,my brother,was fast asleep in his bed by mine.My throat was dried up.I got up from my bed and drank the last remaining water in the jug.Then,I sat by the fountain.It was a gift to Percy from our father.Sitting by its flow of water always calmed me down.I had been living in this camp for almost 1 year now.It felt like home.I had people who cared for me here.I sat there, thinking of how I ended up here and smiling to myself.

July 31,my birthday.I wasn't expecting much.But when you grow up in an orphanage that has a warden lady who cares nothing for the orphaned kids,you learn not to expect.So,there I was,alone in my room,trying to go through some homework that the orphanage teacher had given us when Bobby Rayman came bursting into my room.

A little info on Bobby.....She is one of the oldest orphans

,about 15 years old,and the biggest bully in the orphanage.Somehow,I always ended up as her bullying target.

'What do you want,Rayman?' I asked without looking up.

'Where is she,Potter?' She spat out.She seemed to be bursting with anger.

I looked up at her,surprised.'Where is who?' I demanded.

'Don't play the innocent little girl with me,Potter.Tell me what you did to her.' She came at me so fast that I couldn't back away and grabbed me by both my arms.'TELL ME!'

'What the hell are you talking about?' I said,struggling,trying to free myself.

'Binny!Where is she?Where did you take her?'

Binny was Bobby's cat.And she was the most foulest cat walking the surface of the earth.She is quite like Bobby.But I hated that thing.And just what I was thinking came bursting out of my mouth.

'Why on earth would I take your cat,Rayman?I hate her.' I bit my lip,instantly regretting what I said.You don't show your true feelings about Bobby's cat in front of her,unless you want to die.

'You lying piece of shit.You idiot.I know you have done something to her.You always hated her,didn't you?' She burst out.Then without warning,she took the locket lying on my table and threw it out the window.

I felt a fresh wave of fury inside me.I have had that locket since forever.It was with me when someone brought me to the orphanage.My name,Samantha Potter,was written on it along with my birthdate.It was the only reminder of my family.

'You take something from me,I do the same to you.' Bobby smirked.

I couldn't take it anymore.She had always bullied me,insulted me.But now she had crossed all limits.I let out a high pitched yell.The force of it threw Bobby away from me and into the bathroom through it's open door.Wait......what?My yell threw Bobby away?How is that even possible?I felt a tug in my stomach.And then,as if throwing her wasn't enough,all the pipes exploded,spraying ice cold water right at Bobby's face.

I was so shocked that I forgot to even move.The sound of the warden approaching and yelling snapped me out of it.I realized the commotion I had created must have reached the warden's study.

'What happened?What was all....' She gasped looking at the mess that I had created.She turned to me.'What is this?' Her voice was sharp.

'I don't know,Ms.Roswen.' I muttered under my breathe.

She looked at me thoughtfully.'Tell me what happened.' She said.So I did.'Come with me,Potter.' Was her response.

God,I am so screwed,I thought to myself. I follewed her out pf the room quietly. She took me to the storeroom and locked the door.She didn't look at me. I was facing her back. From my angle,it looked like she was fuming.'Ms.Roswen,are you okay?' I asked nervously.'I have waited for this for a long time,half blood.' She said in a shrilly voice I had never heard.

'E..excuse me?Are you okay,ma'am?' I asked again,scared out of my wits. 'Oh yes.' She turned to me with an evil smile and began to change.Her skin tuned white,eyes turned red and teeth grew into fangs. 'I don't usually kill girls. But as you are a half blood, I am going to make an exception.I haven't tasted Godling blood in a long time.' And with that she lunged at me.

She was about to grab me when someone came bursting the door. There stood a boy and a girl each with a knife.And before I could make sense of thing, the girl came running at the monster anf drove her knife through its heart. My warden turned into dust in front of my eyes.I was rooted to the spot.

The boy came at me and grabbed my hand. 'Come on.' He said and dragged me to the back alley. 'Don't worry,you are safe with us.' The girl said. There was sonething reassuring in her voice.I believed her. They took me to a minivan.My locket was lying by it on the ground. I grabbed it and got into the minivan.

The minivan brought us to the Canp Half Blood at Long Island. On the way,I found out that the girl was Annabeth and the boy was Percy.They explained that I was a demigod,half god half human,like in greek myths and that Ms.Roswen was a monster and that I would have to face many other monsters like that being a demigod and all.Next day at camp, I was claimed by Poseidon the Sea God which meant that I was his daughter. I also got Percy as my brother as he was also Poseidon's kid.

So now here I was in a place beyond my wildest dreams,happy,cared for and safe. I was pulled out of my fantasy by a distant thunder. I checked the watch. My eyes widened as I realized that I had been 11 for almost 5 hours now. It's been exactly one year since I first came to camp.

Madly grinning to myself,I went to my bed. I was about to tuck myself in when there was a knock at the door. Annoyed at the earliness of the knocker,I got up and opened the door. Standing there was Grover the satyr,my friend. 'Chiron has summoned you to the Big House,Sammy.' He said quietly.


A/N: this is my first ever writing.so please don't mind if something's wrong. Read,comment and vote.

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