6. My journey

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A silent tear escaped my eyes as I realized that I was leaving my home behind.

'Are you ok?' Harry asked. I noded. He didn't look convinced but he didn't push me. And I was grateful for that.

Just then, a boy slid the compartment door. He had fiery red hair, freckels and blue eyes that made him look absolutely cute.

'Can I sit here? Everywhere else is full.' He asked.

Harry shrugged while I nodded.

He entered the compartment and sat opposite to us.

'Is it true? Are you really Harry Potter?'  The redhead asked.

My brother nodded. 'And this is my sister.' He said gesturing to me.

'Samantha Potter' redhead whispered in awe. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. Seriously, what was it with these guys looking at us as if we were their king and queen? Although, being the daughter of the Sea Lord does make me a princess .... of sorts.

'Yes'  I gave him a polite smile. I may be annoyed with him now, but I know through experience that first impressions aren't everything.

He came out of his daze and smiled. 'My name is Ronald Weasely, Ron for short.' He held his hand out. My brother shook hands with him and i followed suit.

'Do you guys really have....?' Ron trailed off looking uncomfortable.

'A wand?' I inquired.

'Your scars?' Ron sounded, well, awkward.

Harry pulled up his fringe to reveal a lightning bolt scar on his forehead and I pulled back the hair around my neck to reveal the same on the top of the right side of my neck.

'Wow' Ron whispered again. 'I thought Fred and George were joking.'

After that, the journey was quite enjoyable. We met Ron's twin brothers, Fred and George, who apparently were the ones who helped Harry with his trunks and who greeted me  with much  enthusiasm. They were quite funny with their antics and they didn't treat us like we were some sort of trophy. So they were on my like-amd-good-as-friends list from tke start.

After the twins were gone to meet a friend, Harry, Ron and I talked about the school houses and which house we were going to be in, about Ron's family and their financial condition. Ron was a bit uncomfortable with that subject .... that is until Harry told him that he didn't have a penny of his own until now. That seemed to cheer Ron up.

Soon it was time for lunch and a plump lady came up to our compartment with a trolley filled with foods. Harry and I went to her  amd bought a bit of everything. Ron didn't because his mother had already packed lunch for him.

We came back, our hands laden with all the foods.

'Hungry?' Ron asked.

'Starving' Harry said I said at the same time. We looked at each other for a moment and burst out laughing.

'Awesome twins say alike' I remarked.

'Must be the twin connection' Harry said with a smirk.

'You guys are the same as Fred and George' Ron groaned.

'We will..' I started

'Take that..' continued Harry

'As a compliment.' We finished together. We laughed our heads off as Ron groaned again.

We then proceeded to eat our lunch that we bought and Ron joined in at our insistence, his mother's sandwiches lay forgotten. We ate the chocolate frogs and found out that they came with a card of a great witch or wizard. I got a few Dumbledores and two Agrippas. I tossed them into my pocket without any care. Ron told us that we had to be careful about the 'Every Flavor Beans' because they literally mean every flavor, like - 'vomit and bogey' every flavor. But I ate them carelessly anyway. Because, compared to what I had to eat on that quest to steal the Apples of Hepesderis with Luke, this was heaven. Didn't I mention Luke? Must have been the excitement of finding out about me being a witch and having a brother. Well, Luke had been the son of Hermes and one of my best friends, more like a big brother. Until he decided to betray us this summer, joined Kronos the evil titan, stole Zeus's lightning bolt and tried to kill my brother. I really hate him now. But we can go to those depressing tales later.

Well, on to my story again. The rest of the journey would have been enjoyable too. If it wasn't for a certained bushy haired know-it-all girl named Hermoine Granger who rambled off how she learned all the books by heart and how she read about us, Harry and me, in some books and then, with a snarky remark to Ron, left without turning back.

Or, the arrogant asshole named Draco Malfoy, whom I recognized from the cloth store, with his fat cronies, telling my brother and I that some wizarding families are better than others and we should stick by the right ones, throwing disgusting looks amd remarks at Ron. We responded to that by telling that we know the right ones. The git's face became red and he gestured one of his cronies, Crabbe, I think, who lunged at us. My ADHD kicked in and I stepped foreward catching one of his hands and twisting it until one of his fingers broke. I glared daggers at all of them. Crabbe screamed like a girl and all of them ran off from our apartment.

'That was amazing. How did you do that?' Harry whisper-yelled.

I shrugged. 'You know the camp that I go to every summer?' Harry nodded. 'They teach us self defence there.'

'Wow.' Ron whispered for the third time. This time, I did roll my eyes.

Soon after this, a voice announced that we were approaching Hogwarts, to change into our uniforms and to leave our luggage in the compartment. I changed while the boys waited outside. Then I went outside and waited for the boys to change.

The train came to a halt before long. Excited about what was to come, I got off from the train with Harry and Ron.

'Firs' years over here' a voice boomed. We looked around looking for the source of the voice. We saw Hagrid by the tracks holding a lamp and calling the first years. We made our way over to him.

'Hey Hagrid.' I greeted.

'Alrigh' there, Harry, Sammy.'

When all the first years were gathered, Hagrid led us towards what felt to me like a lake. Sure enough, after a bit of walking, we came in ftont of a huge lake and got our first view of Hogwarts across it.

Magnificent, that's what I thought first. There really was no other word for it. The castle wad truly magnificent, built with brilliant architecture and adorned with beautiful designs. Annabeth would kill to get a glimpse of this.

When Hagrid told us that we had to cross the lake, I was jumping up and down with excitement earning quite a few weird looks. But I couldn't care less. I was going to be in a lake. A lake. The water. My home turf.

Hagrid said that only four can have one boat. I got on a boat with Harry, Ron and, much to my annoyance, Hermione. But as soon as we set sail, I felt calm, my annoyance disappearing. I leaned down by the side, hand extended to touch the water. My hand made came in contact with the surface and I immediately felt peace and power and safety. I sighed happily closing my eyes.

I don't know how long I stayed like that, but when I opened my eyes, we had almost crossed the lake. I frowned. I must have zoned out. I turned to see Harry and the others giving me weird looks, but I just shrugged. Soon we were at the other side. We got off from the boats and I looked at the lake with longing. There was so much peace there.

Hagrid led us towards the castle. We all followed him until he halted in front of giant oak double doors of the castle. He knocked three times. I waited with anticipation, excited about the unknown future that lies ahead of me.


A/N: Sorry. Don't kill me. I know I promised that I would make it up to you guys ofter exams. But I have been busy with stuff thats driving me crazy. I am really sorry. I won't promise anymore. But I will try to update as soon as possible. Ther won't be regular updates. Sorry once again.

Meanwhile, read, enjoy and comment. Pretty please....

Also, if I have made any mistakes, can you guys point them out? Constructive criticism is always welcome.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2015 ⏰

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