2.Now I am a witch and I have another brother.

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It took me a few seconds to understand what Grover had said.

'What,now? Grover, it's five in the morning. Do I have to go now?!' I asked him, exasparated.

He nodded, his expression grim. 'Chiron said its urgent.' He mouthed.

This was so not good. Chiron usually doesn't summon someone to the Big House like this. If he does, that means you are in big trouble.

'Ok. Wait here. Be back in a mo.' I said to Grover. I went back into the cabin and took my glasses from my nightstand. I can only make out people's faces with bare eyes, but that too is blurry. I need glasses if I want to see properly. I also took my locket, the same one that Bobby Rayman had thrown out the window, hung it aroundy neck. It was my lucky charm. If I was in trouble, I needed it with me.

With my glassas and lucky charm on, I went out of the cabin and silently closed the door, not wanting to wake Percy up. 'Ok. Let's go, G - man.' I said. Grover blushed. Only my brother called him that. It always irritated me. It was a sign of how I nervous I was that I called him that.

I followed Grover to the Big House. Chiron and Mr. D were sitting in the parlour. Chiron is our mentor. He teaches us battle skills and combats. All demigod need to learn them if they want to survive the world full of monsters. And Mr. D a.k.a Dyonisus, the God of Wine, is the camp director. He was sent here by Zeus as a punishment for going afyer an out of bounds naiad. He hated it here and was determined turn all the demigods' lives hell.

'What did I do this time?' I asked before either of them could say anything, annoyed that I had been summoned this early in the morning.

'You didn't do anything, Samantha.' Chiron replied calmly

'Then why am I here?' I demanded.

'Because I needed to talk to you.' Said a voice from behind me.

I turned around. There sitting on a chair was the strangest looking man I had ever seen in my life. And that's saying something. He had long hair and beard that reached his waist. He was wearing long silver robes and a silver hat. He had half moon spectacles on his eyes. He reminded me of Gandalf the Grey.

'And you are?' I said sharply, not caring if I was being rude.

'I am Albus Dumbledore. I come from a school.And I am here tell you that you have been accepted at our school.' The man replied.

'School? What school? I haven't applied anywhere.' I said, suprised.

'Yes, yes. But you have qualities that we are looking for.'

'What do you mean?'

The man sighed and held out an envelope. I took it curiously. It had a seal on it. A lion, a serpent, an eagle and a badger connected together. Being more curious, I opened the envelope and took out a piece of parchment. It was a letter. It read:

Dear Ms Potter,
We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipments.
Term starts on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely

Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress

What the hell? A school of witchcraft and wizardry? But I was a demigod. How could I be a demigod and a witch at the same time? The only witches I knew were those mad three sisters with one eye.

Chiron seemed to read my mind. 'You are a demigod, Sammy. Just not a normal one. Your mother wasn't a normal human. She was a witch and your brother is a wizard.'

What? Percy is a wizard?! Again Chiron read my mind. 'No. Not Percy. Your twin brother.'

Now my feeling of shock and surprise had crossed all limits. 'I have a brother?' I whispered loudly.

'Yes.' said Dumbledore, 'Haven't you ever wondered how you got that scar?'

I automatically ran my fingers on my 1 inch lightning bolt shaped scar just above my neck and below my right ear. Like the locket, I had that scar forever. I had always thought it was a birthmark. So I shook my head.

'When you were born, an evil wizard by the name of Lord Voldemort was taking over everywhere. None dated rise against him. But many opposed him. Your parents were a part of this opposition. One day, Voldemort came to your house, killed your parents before turning to you and your brother. He performed a deadly curse. But the curse rebounded and hit him instead leaving nothing but scars on both of you. Many say he's dead. But I believe he is still out there, powerless but alive.' Dumbledore said all of these as if he was describing the weather.

I was still processimg what he said when a question sprang to my mind.

'You said my parents. But one of my parents is a God an he's alive.'

Even though it wasn't a question, Dumbledore answered. 'Yes. You see James Potter knew about you. But he stiil accepted you as his daughter. He said you were a blessing. He loved you as much as he loved Harry, your brother.' I nodded. Then, another question.

'You said my brother is my twin. Isn't he a demigod too?' I asked.

This time, Chiron answered. 'No,he is not.' I opened my mouth but Chiron answered before I could get my question out. 'Yes, I know that he should be being your twin But I don't know why he isn't. Only your father knows.'

I still didn't believe it. 'But there must be some mistake. I can't be a witch.'

Dumbledore leaned forward. 'Really? Think, Samantha, think. Haven't you ever done sonething strange or impossible when you were angry or upset? Something that could be magic?'

I racked my brain. I thought of how I could do strange things when I am angry like making things move without touching them and blowing up things. I thought of how my yell threw Bobby into the bathroom. I had assumed that those were my demigod powers. But now that I thought, Percy couldn't do these things. I looked into Dumbledore's blue eyes. There was no hint in them that he was lying. At long last I believed him.

I was a witch and I had a twin brother.


A/N: Whoop. My second chapter. Hope you enjoy. Whoever's reading this, please comment and vote.

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