Death Squad

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A Blackhawk landed at Hereford and four people in black digital camo hopped off. The first was male and was carrying an L85A2 assault rifle. This was Reaper, and the white masks didn't know it, but he had broken the brainwashing and had contacted a friend in rainbow for help. The other three were women. The one next to him wore a helmet with NVGs mounted on it, and carried a M82 Barrett .50 Caliber rifle. That was Widowmaker, formerly known as Tracer. She had no recollection of her past and had a voice modifier. The next one carried a heavily modified shield, and the last one carried dual shotguns.
"Reaper, Widowmaker, Bastille, Sombra, welcome to Rainbow." Six says. Reaper nods before walking past her.

Reaper was walking down the hallway when he spotted an old friend from his days in the SAS. Mike "Thatcher" Baker. Reaper kept walking by, but also messed with his shirt, revealing the top part of an SAS tattoo on his neck. He kept walking and entered the infirmary to speak with Doc.
"Good to see you again, Ajax. If you hadn't contacted me about this I would have alerted Six. This is Ela, she's one of our GROM operators." Doc says, introducing Reaper to the woman next to him. Reaper nodded.
"I'll see what I can do about that explosive in your head." Doc continued. Reaper nodded and sat down.
"Alright, the explosive wasn't primed but was also ready to detonate, luckily I managed to remove it." Doc says before Thatcher walks in.
"Doc, have you seen Six? I need to ask her something." He asks.
"Thatcher, we have a problem." Doc replies.
"What is it and Who's that?" Thatcher asks, pointing at Reaper.
"That's Reaper and the problem is that Six may be a White Mask, according to our friend here." Doc explains. Thatcher notices a stitched up area around his vocal cords.
"Doc, I think I know why Reaper can't speak." He says. Doc looks over at Reaper and also notices the scar. He walks over to a box and opens it, grabs a unusual device and walks over to Reaper.
"Reaper, stay calm, I'm just going to implant a prosthetic vocal cords." Doc explains. Reaper nods and Doc gets to work.

After the Surgery, Thatcher's POV...
I was sitting outside the infirmary with Mute and Sledge when Doc walked out with a man in a Rainbow uniform.
"Who's The bloody hell is he?" Sledge asks.
"I'm hurt you don't remember me Seamus, or you Mike." The man says, his voice having a slight Greek accent.
"Wait, Ajax?" I ask. Ajax nods.
"In the flesh." He replies.
"Good to have you-" I begin
"Reaper! We're on the move! Let's go!" Bastille says as she walks in on us talking.
"Gamóste ti Vastíli." Ajax replies.
"What was that? You better shut your mouth, before I-" She begins, before Smoke walks up behind her and shove's a live gas grenade down her throat.
"Die in hell, esý aidiastikó kommáti moútou." Ajax says as we walk past him and into our dorm. I pull out the Greek Army Special forces crate we have and pass it to Ajax. He opens it and looks at me.
"You kept my gear." He says. I shrug.
"I had faith you'd be back." I reply before grabbing an L85A2. I see Ajax put on his combat uniform (just look up 32nd Marine Brigade of the Greek Army combat uniform) and grab the G36C that was at the bottom of the crate. He turned back to me. "Let's warn the others. I'll speak to Zofia and the Russians, Smoke handles the Germans and the GEO, Sledge has the BOPE and 707th, Mute has SAT and the SDU, Thatcher, you get the GIGN, the FBI SWAT, and the Navy SEALS." Ajax says, they all nod before leaving the room.

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