The Storm

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"Here come the bloody White Masks!" Sledge says as three trucks pull up and WMs start to pour out.
"Alright, wait until they're in range then tear 'em apart." Ajax says as he aims his rifle through one of the windows facing the front. The White Masks get Ten feet from the door before the remaining operators open fire with their weaponry.
"Long live the-AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!" A White Mask screams as he starts to burn from a fire trap. Ash looks at Ajax.
"You set up incendiary traps?" She asks while firing her G36C.
"Yeah, seemed like a smart move." Ajax replies, continuing to fire 3-round bursts from his rifle. Suddenly a White Mask drops dead from a headshot.
"Wait who did that, Glaz is on the other side of the base?" Ash asks before a shell casing from a M200 intervention sniper rifle clatters on the floor above them.
"Good to see you're back in action Tracer." Ajax says into his radio.
"Good to be back Ajax." Emilia's voice replies over the radio as more White Masks fall victim to one of Greece's best Snipers. Ajax grabs one of the Frag grenades off of his belt, pulls the pin, and throws it after it cooks for a second. The grenade kills a group of White Masks nearby after one picks up the grenade. Ajax resumes firing his rifle until the gun starts to click. Empty.
"Reloading fresh mag!" Ajax calls out as he ejects the empty mag and loads a fresh clip into his rifle, pulls back the bolt, and resumes shooting.
"We're getting flanked Ajax! Fall back to the cafeteria! Tachanka and Kapkan are already set up!" Thatcher says over the radio.
"You heard Thatcher guys! Let's move!" Ajax says. The operators begin to fall back to the cafeteria, the White Masks begin to fall victim to the Guerilla traps Ajax set up.
"Your codename should really be Flamouriá." Ash remarks.

Later, Ajax's POV, Cafeteria....
The remaining operators had fallen back to the cafeteria and we had to hold off the remaining White Masks until they either pulled back or we're overrun.
"I'm Out!" Ash yells as her last G36C clip ran dry.
"Here!" I yell as I toss her one of my spare clips. I then resumed shooting, killing another White Mask.
"Poprobuy puli, matushki!" Tachanka yells as he fires his RP-46 at the White Masks. I look over to see three white masks crawling on the ground after being lit on fire by one of my Hellfire mines. We continued to kill White Masks until we heard a new sound of gunfire. Sounds like M4 and L85A2 gunfire. The gunfire kept getting closer until a group of men walked into the cafeteria and aimed their rifles at us. They looked ready to fire until someone yelled at them.
"Vstanʹ! Tse Operatory Veselky!" A man in Ukrainian Military apparel walked into the room.
"Apologies, these men can't tell the difference between terrorists and Soldiers." The man says. I nodded. The soldiers continued on their paths while we all collapsed with exhaustion from that firefight.

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