Epilogue: Sad I Am

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Leonardo patted the damp gravel over the box and straightened, glancing around. He'd never done this before and he didn't have much time. How long would it be until-

"Leonardo. What a pleasant surprise."

The turtle whirled around to come face to face with the demon. It was an extremely tall, white male in his early-twenties with girly brown hair. It had a smirk and vulpine eyes glinted black under the dim street light for a moment.

"Sorry, do I know you?"

The demon's smirk widened like Leo had told a joke it had already known the punchline for. "I suppose that would be a bit of a stretch." It said like it was conceding something. "It's hard to ignore the whispers about you brushing past my ears, you're quite famous among demons. The- freak- that killed Abigor."

"Listen, I summon you here for a reason. I don't care how much you hate-"

"You're mistaken, I'm actually starting to like you. Good pronunciation is a must for summoning, but this..." The demon was tall enough to trace the pattern a few inches away from the paint. "This is art- a Mona Lisa. So many people rush through or are heavy-handed, but you..." The demon aimed the smile at him and the back of the turtle's neck prickled. "What can I do for you, Leonardo?"

"I'm guessing based on the pronunciation comment, that you're the one who talked with another demon a while ago," Leo stated, his eyes narrowing. "Mulder- Vincent Mulder. One of Abigor's many loyalists."

"Doesn't ring a bell."

"Let's try again. Three weeks ago, you nearly castrated him because he misread the summoning. Apparently, you made him repeat it at knifepoint until he got it right."

The demon's smile turned wicked. "What can I say? I'm a purist, and lucky for him, he was a quick student, which can't be said for all of my clients. Besides, a simple castration will be the least of his worries in, oh..." The demon glanced at the watch on his wrist. "Five minutes, give or take."

"... What are-"

"Mulder came to ask me, to ask me to drag you to hell, Leo." He hissed, azure eyes narrowing dangerously. "He offered a lot... just to see your bloody body in flames, for he knows he can't kill you- no one can. But- He pissed me off... so I sent some of my pooches o to drag him back to hell."

"Call them off, I need to interrogate him," Leo hissed, his eyes narrowing. "CALL THEM OFF!"

The demon watched the turtle struggling to regain his composure. It didn't look so amused anymore. "I can see into your twisted little head, I know why you summoned me, really. This kill- Abigor's-lotalists-thing of yours? I want you to succeed. Not for the same reasons as you- I couldn't give less of a shit about family- but I have my own reasons for wanting to see them dead."

"Pray tell." Leonardo growled out pas his clenched jaw.

"They've got some plans I want to make sure never see fruition, is all. Nothing to worry your pretty little head over."

"So what do you want?" Leo questioned, "In exchange for Mulder's life, and your help?"

Eyes flickered black again. "A deal: I'll let you interrogate Mulder if you keep on the loyalists like your family's life depends on it, because it will, and tell me in advance if you're going to attack. I'll even help you out, check up on your progress now and then.

The turtle nearly had a heart attack when the demon's quiet, menacing voice came from far closer than it should have. His head snapped up, eyes wide in shock, and the demon stepped slightly closer. "Abigor had many plans for you, but those loyalists- They're not going to stop until you and everyone you ever loved is dead."

"Okay." The blue cladded turtle stared up at the demon, braced for impact, but the demon just stared back, amused again. He didn't have time for this. "Seriously?"

The demon shrugged. "The decision is all yours, Leo. Sealed with a kiss."

Leonardo's head nearly hit the road. "You're joking? I thought that was a fucking myth- No! No way-"

"Like I want to kiss a giant, mutant, demon turtle-"

Leonardo had to stand on his tiptoes and fist the demon's shirt to anchor himself because of course this shithead with the giant body wasn't going to bend any to make this any easier. Leo smashed his mouth against its and shoved away when the deal was closed. He scrubbed his mouth with his elbow and glared at the snickering asshole.

"Well? Is it done?"

"Yes. Just in time, too- Good for you."

Leo slumped a little and ran a hand over his face and neck. He sighed. "What now? I assume you're going to popping up whenever you feel like it, but how am I supposed to contact you-"

"I'm coming with you, so don't you fuck anything up."

"I don't need a babysitter-"

"Oh, I beg to differ. Those demons? They're all after you." The demon took a shaking breath. "As I said, Abigor chose you-"

Leonardo suddenly drew out his twin katana, pointing one at the demon's throat. "One more question. What's so special about me? And Mulder..." He repeated and it tasted like blood in his mouth. He let the name burn its way down deep into his mind. "Why did he try and send you to take me?"

"Because you're one of the few things on this Earth that can kill him."

"Me?" Leo scoffed. "I didn't think you could kill demons, just exorcise them." The lie came a little too easily.

"Well, generally, that's the program, but you're different. You're the exception, and that's why you're dangerous. It's Abigor's fault, you know. She made you what you are." The demon explained, his eyes waiting to see the turtle's reaction. "Most demons are human souls, corrupted by their time in hell. But you- you're a whole new level of freak."


The demon rolled its eyes and used one finger to slowly guide the blade's tip away from his throat. "Leo, I know you don't want to hear this. Believe me, if there was any other way, I wouldn't be risking my neck. I like my neck."

"Talk." Leo said tersely. His stomach was souring with bile. He really didn't want to know all the levels of freak a demon was about to spew forth, but what he wanted was no longer important. He had to have answers, even if they stung his ears and filled him with poison.

The demon sighed. "You had a strong soul, one strong enough to contain her power, to contain any other demon's power." He glanced up, "She twisted and corrupted your soul, made it inhabitable by human means... so you could be a demon, but a new kind. One that could literally suck the life out of others."

"No... NO!"

"I'm afraid so." The demon smiled sadly, "But then, you've known you were different for a while now. Haven't you, Leo?"

He wanted to shout at the demon to shut his fucking mouth, wanted to send the goddamned blade sliding sidelong across its throat, but instead, Leo simply said, "Yes."

The demon suddenly snatched the turtle's phone away. It hummed in approval at the photo and started pushing buttons again. "I have a cell phone for topside. There." It gave Leonardo his phone back and a chill went up the mutant's spine when he saw it had saved the contact as 'Sammy'.

"That's not a very intimidating name."

The demon shot him a grin. "Which is why anyone who calls me that who's weaker than me, will shortly find themselves scrabbling to put their bowels back in." His lips turned into a thin line. "My brother Dean, he used to call me that."

"... Is he dead?"

"I'm dead to him," Sam answered nonchalantly with a shrug. "We're alike in that way, Leo. We both had to leave our families because of what we became."

A/n: So that was Fantasma by @LeoDaLeaderInBlue
I'm pretty sure the original author won't be continuing the book (I recall that they had plans at one point, not anymore though), however I might, it really depends on whether I'm able to come up with a plot and ending that is suitable. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the story!

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