My Vampire Boyfriend

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Viviana’s POV:

Ughh! Why do I have such a messed up life? My Parents are driving me insane! School is already a pain in the ass and when I come home my parent’s give me crap about shit I haven’t even fucking done. My mom is the biggest ass in the house. She screws the ugliest fuckers when my dad’s out getting drunk. They call me a mistake, that I should have never been born, that I just ruined their lives. Which I personally think were already as fucked up as life could get. If they’re not drunk, they’re doing some other bullshit. FML!

Ding! A text from my friend Cristina.

Hey Vivi !  R we still going 2 the movies? :)

Cristina has been my friend since the seventh grade and I loved her because whenever I was feeling sad she always managed to put a smile on my face.

I replied quickly

Absolutely! I can’t wait. See you in a few! :)

I hopped out of bed and got in the shower. When I was done I quickly got dressed in some skinny jeans and a plain purple t-shirt. I went over to my vanity and applied some make-up. Looking in the mirror I realized my hair looked like shit today. I brushed my hair and bow dried it and quickly did a side fish-tail braid. Done. I was ready to go meet Cristina at the movies.

When I got there, I saw her standing by the entrance with a guy who looked familiar.

“Hey Cristy.” I said.

“Hey Viviana! Oh my gosh I can’t wait to see Paranormal Activity 4! I have been waiting for this movie to come out forever.” She seemed so happy. I looked over to the guy next to her and recognized he was Damen from my Math class.

“Hi Damen.” I have never really talked to him but he seemed like a nice guy. “Hello Vivana.” He smiled and looked at Cristy. “Let’s go buy some popcorn, drinks, and candy!”

I swear this girl could be a little kid sometimes. Cristy went crazy for candy. She ended up buying skittles, Twix, and Gummy worms!

We quickly got to our seats just as the movie was starting. Damen was on Cristy’s left and I was on the right.

The movie was scary like shit! I screamed like five times because of all the things that were happening to the girl on the screen. I wanted to yell at her to turn the fuck around because the monsters were right behind her. Butthole  -___-    .

Soon I started losing interest in the movie. Cristy and Damen seemed to be enjoying themselves. Cristy loved scary movies and apparently so did Damen. They both had smiles on their faces. They looked so cute together. I saw Cristy look over to Damen and then look back down and blush. She looked a little nervous after that. She must really like this guy because she never gets nervous around guys. I forced myself to look back at the screen because I didn’t want to make her feel more nervous then she already was. I watched the rest of the movie and then it ended. It was pretty good.

We headed over to the parking lot. Cristy and Damen hugged goodbye. “Bye Cristina, see you tomorrow okay.” He said bye to me and then went to his car and drove off.

“OMG!!! Viviana he is so HOT ! I can’t believe he actually said yes to coming to see a movie with me! I know you’re probably pissed off that I didn’t tell you he was coming but I was just so nervous.” She was running out of breath.

“Just breathe Cristina.” I chuckled

“I’m not mad at you. Actually, I’m very, very, very happy for you. As long as he makes you happy then it’s cool. But He better not hurt you or I will kill him.” I said jokingly.

We walked over to my car and I turned on the radio. Suddenly Live While we’re Young started playing and I blasted the music. I love One Direction. They were perfect!

Me and Cristy started singing along

Let’s go crazy, crazy, crazy till we see the sun

I know we only met but let’s pretend it’s love

And never, never, never stop for anyone

Tonight let’s get some

And live while we’re young.

After a while we finally arrived at my house. My mom and dad weren’t home yet so I felt relived. We got inside the house quickly because it looked like it was going to rain and I hope it doesn’t. We went up to my room and sat on my bed. “So did you hear that we’re getting a new student tomorrow?” it was so late in the year, I was confused, why would someone come so late?

“No.” I said.

“Wonder who it will be.” I shrugged and changed the subject.

Cristy went home when my mom and dad showed up.

“ Yay, you’re home.” I said sarcastically to them.

“Shut up; can’t you see you’re fucking dad has a headache!” my mom hissed

“I’ll shut up when you make me.” I hissed back.

Okay maybe I’m as much of a bitch as they are but they deserve it.

“Are you fucking taunting me, you little bitch?” my mom shouted.

“NO dip Sherlock and I thought you were smart. Oh no wait I didn’t.” I chuckled.

My mom let go of my dad who was passed out on the couch, and made her way to me. I smirked at her. I suddenly feel her hand hit my face, making me gasp.

No matter how much disrespect I had for he, I wouldn’t hit her back.

I feel her continuously hitting me, making me hiss in pain. The hitting finally stopped, until I felt a kick in my rib cage.

“It would have been better if you weren’t born.” She hissed, walking back to dad.

After I regained my strength I got up. I opened my bedroom window, letting the cool breeze hit my face; I prepared myself to escape this hell hole.

Walking through the oh-so familiar path, to a familiar cliff.

Standing on the cliff staring down to see how far it would be for something or someone, I decided my parents are going to get what they finally wanted,

My Death.

I took a deep breath preparing for the fall. I was so close to falling, but something stopped me. I felt myself on the cold floor with something cold pressed against my body.

Ever so slowly I opened my eyes to reveal…A guy. He had dirty blonde hair, his eyes were hazel with specks of gold, his lips were a natural pink, his skin was ice cold, and he was gorgeous.

“Never try to do that again.” He hissed before getting off me.

He walked away leaving me to stare at him disappear into the trees.

Who was he? Why did he stop me?

My Vampire BoyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now