party 😎🤘

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It's been a long time since I met my friends it would be great opportunity to introduce Pete to everyone, I'm so excited to meet friends at beach party...

When I explained Pete about the party he seem excited too but I hate to see him near other men, the thought itself ruins my happy mood I need to extra careful...

Finally the time has come I got to invite all of my friends, seniors and juniors since I was in my football team I got to know students of all streams and batches too...

"Hey everyone" I greet my friends I have booked a private beach party and I got a suprise for my Pete as well...

"Hey Ae, it's been a long time, how is your life going" P'Type greet me he was my senior in football team and also P'Techno's best friend who is our football team captain I'm very close to these two that is how I came to know about their boyfriend's as well...

P'Tharn a musician P'Type's boyfriend N'Kengkla Jr Doctor in Thailand's famous hospital this kid got quite influence thanks to these couples I have opened up to same gender relationships I have learnt love doesn't require gender...

I can totally see how these couples are madly in love with eachother..
"Hi Phi I'm glad you all joined together to be part of my happiness, please wait a bit I'm going to announce s-.."

"Hey Ae don't tell me you got married already" Pond came running shouting out loud drawing everyone's attention I couldn't finish talking to P'Type

"Shit Pond why are you so nosy and loud" I get irritated but if I have to honest I'm proud to have such nosy friend who is interested in everyone's life except his own thanks to him I'm not a loner anymore he helped me alot to come over my breakup with my girlfriend...

But I'll never show my attention to him he will haunt me for years... As I observe everyone coming in the party has started too,but I couldn't find Pete anywhere...

I search for him everywhere in the party I could only find my friends trying to get a control over their boyfriend's...

On one hand kengkla is stopping P'Techno to drink more alcohol "P'Techno you already had enough now stop it will you or else you know very well how worse the punishment is going to be.." I can clearly see how P'Techno gulped hard on his dry throat this kid sure is something

(I'm sure wives definitely know how to provoke their husbands)

On the other hand Can is stuffing his mouth with food not giving a damn to Mean's word, Mean sure has something on his mind I can see the devilish grin on his legendary poker face and he leave the place my poor friend's ass will be in pain I'm sure of it I could only chuckle and walk further in the crowd to look for Pete...

I find all my friends doing crazy things being crack heads I keep walking further through the crowd there I find familiar figure to Pete's but he is sitting with someone beside fully built up body... I frown at the site...

And that's none other than Mean when did he leave Can, didn't he said he loves Can but why can't he leave Pete my eyes flicker with anger I couldn't take the fact that Pete is with his first love whereas this party is being organised for us to commemorate our love life anniversary with this party....

"Pete you just wait until this party ends" I mutter under my breath my hands formed in fist when I see these giggling...

Pete POV

I'm so happy for us Ae is so caring and loving he really cares for my feeling the moment I thought he is hiding me from his world he introduced me to his friends circle I'm glad Ae finds out what's on my mind before the words come out of my mouth...

I'm just enjoying the waves at this shore playing with our promise ring

"You seem happy Pete!" I heard someone when I turn around to the source I find Mean...

"Oh, Mean what are you doing here? What about Can?" I soon ask questions which made his eyebrows knit... I didn't mean to pester

"Can is busy stuffing food for the next 3 years content, and whereas me I'm looking for my friend cum ex who is enjoying his love life" I chuckle at his statement..

"Ah thanks Mean you are person who knows about me, I'm so happy for you too you finally found your true love" I find a small on his lips

"Can sure is something he has changed you alot, and....." We both sat by the shore enjoying the waves sharing views about our partners more likely I should say gossiping haha...

I suddenly heard a loud cheer from the crowd "Pete,Ae is heading towards the stage" I turn around and find Ae on the stage and all the friends are cheering him I stood up walk towards the crowd...

"Friends I'm going to introduce you all officially to the love of my life, Pete" Ae's words made me blush I walk onto the stage crowd started cheering loudly Ae opened a champagne....

Finally around 2 in the morning party has finally come to an end I drag with legs to our private cottage thanks to his level-headedness he booked the whole beach and cottages for us...

I drop myself on the bed fall on my back my legs down the bed I close my eyes with a loud sigh I open my eyes when the tilt press down near my head I find Ae just inches away from my face he bend over me with hands supporting his upper body between my legs....

"Ae when did you come" I said and avoid his gaze I'm aware what's running in his mind...

"Just now baby, seems like you were having a good time with your ex" Ae's question made my body numb I froze at my place "Ae it's not like what you think, we-..."

"You sure know how to provoke me baby, such a bad boy" he didn't let me finish I bring my hands on his shoulders pushing him slowly without offending him...

"Um... Ae I..." I don't know how to rectify the situation he sure is jealous I know I have to pay it with my body... I'm dead for sure!!!

"Ae please, I'm tired na~" I tried to make reasons but seems everything is in vain... His smirk sends shivers down my whole body I shudder when hand reach my shirt buttons...

To be continued...,...

Sorry for the late update I'll try my best to speed up sorry again...

Have a happy reading.... Enjoy your weekend....

Bye for you all 🥰😘😘😘😘❤️🙌🤗👋👋

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