A Slender?

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G. Bulletproof: Argh! Luckily I did not fall into the river*Pulled himself up from the ground* *Surveyed his surroundings* Dark...murky water...loose...venom snakes...smelly air...two blazing eyes...ahhhhhhhhh!!! *Fell back into the river* Gosh...

Blaze: Scared eh? *Mischievous smirk* Nothing could scare me...

Solar: Boo!

Blaze: Ahhhh! *Fell into the river* Damn you Solar!!!

Solar: Hahaha...nothing beats this. *Felt electricity on his back* Holy!!! *Ran away*

Blaze: Haha...Karma.

G. Bulletproof: Anyway, where is Thunderstorm and Cyclone? *Got up to investigate*


"Where... Where am I?"

Cyclone muttered as he opened his eyes.

Cyclone: *Looked around and got shock* *Locked by chains*

Suddenly, a clatter and bang was heard...

Cyclone: W-who's there? *Saw a tall and shadow* *Eyes widened*

No eyes... Blank face... Thin and long fingers... Tall legs...

Suspense continued...

Figure: *Revealed itself* Ai yahhh... It's me, Slenderman, lah!

Cyclone: Eh? Ahhhhhh!!!!!

Slender man: *Place thin and long fingers over Cy's lips* Hey... Quiet down lah bro! If not, my presence will be known!

Cyclone: Slender... Slender- *Passed out from fright*

Slender man: Ah...dou... Not again... I put him on cuffs so he would not attack me. Now he is fained? Haizz


Blaze: *Yawned* Ahhhh... It is so boring strolling through the woods...

G. Bulletproof: Patience... You'll find success soon enough... 🤗

Blaze: *Flared up* Patience?! You said that for the hundred time already!!! 😡 Cakera Berapi!

G. Bulletproof: *Winced and looked in terror*


Solar: *Jumped into the scene* Hey, chill! Don't be angry...let me sing a song to soothe you down... *Already moving to the beats*

Blaze: What song? Do you think this is a joke?!

Solar: This! 😎 Lights, camera... Solar!!! *Started singing to the screen (Tune of on the first day of Christmas)* This is a song by the fabulous Solar... Please like and subscribe to me... This is a message to all the angry men out there, cook some chill and please like and subscribe to me! *Messaged Blaze* Yay! Out here in the strange and smelly weird jungle, finding Thunder, cook some chill and please like and subscribe to me... *Danced on tree* When I see red, I know it's the end of me... *Thunder bolt shock him* Ahhhh!!!

Thunderstorm: *Glared and hissed* Watch what comes out of that dirty mouth, corrupted one!

Blaze: Thunder-mo? *Dashed forward to hug him* Dear brother, we miss you... Finally, you are back to normal!

Thunderstorm: *Dark red aura surrounded him with lightning streaks*

G. Bulletproof: Thunder?

Thunderstorm: *Muttered* Where... *Screamed* Where is Cyclone?! *Created a thunderstorm from his aura*

Blaze: *Dodged and merely escaped unscathed* *Tumbled on ground but got up* Hey! What was that for?!

G. Bulletproof: ...  *Started to realise something and eyes widened*

Thunderstorm: I will not repeat my question. Where is Cyclone?

Blaze: *Pissed* How would I know? We lost him as soon we landed in this stupid damn jungle!!!

Thunderstorm: *Triggered* You...lost...him?

G. Bulletproof: Oh no... This couldn't be...

Thunderstorm: Ure!!! Thunder speed! *Dashed right next to Blaze* Thunder blade... Yahhhhhh!!!!!

Blaze: *Knocked down by Thunderstorm* Argh...

Solar: Hem... Don't worry... The best boboiboy is coming to save you! Optical- *Saw Thunderstorm charging towards him* *Screamed like a girl and got electrified by Thunderstorm*

Thunderstorm: *Landed in front of Bulletproof* This is the last time I ask. Where is Cyclone?

G. Bulletproof: (In his mind) It can't be... Thunder...possessed? I have to act quick... (Reality) Ermm... *Pointed at a Storm Cloud* Cyclone... There!

Thunderstorm: *Distracted*

G. Bulletproof: Kuasa elemental! Pod creation! *Pulled everyone into the pod* There! *Took one last glance at Thunderstorm before flying out of sight*

Thunderstorm: *Dark aura became uncontrollable* Where is Cyclone!!!!!!!


Person in Cyclone Storm cloud: *Stared at scene from afar* 

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