>=- Losing Battle -=<

12 0 0

I did nothing wrong,
I'm not causing any hastle,
It's like a village of a thousand made-up mistakes,
And I'm the king of the castle.
Making up shit, messed up shit,
Fucked up shit, disgusting shit.
They've turnt their back on the weakest of the pack,
teeth bared at the unprepared..
A war would break out,
Physical and mental,
One against the other or working in tandum.
They all started causing conflicting thoughts and my mind couldn't fucking stand them.
Let the people think what they want, you can't control any of it.
Talk to your peers..
Speak to the cops...
Those wolves won't care...
The hunting never stops...
I know I'm a monster...
But not as you think...
Your minds are on the chase...
My mind is in the brink...
But I'm not backing down,
Not now, not ever...
I know what's right,
But your pack isn't clever...

So go ahead and judge,
It's not worth the hastle,
Because I'm a lone tiger,
And I'm not losing this battle...

Ken's Random Writing {Probably Poem's and Rhymes...}Where stories live. Discover now