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Adjusting to La Push was easy. It was home, somewhere I wanted and needed to be. Upon returning home, I found myself hanging with Emily every other day. I helped cook for the guys and helped her with the wedding planning. She and Sam were set to be married early next year. I was happy for them, although something inside me made me feel a little envious. I do miss the idea of weddings, and babies, a new home, and things like that but the only thing that's hard for me is starting over. I dreaded it the most but I was already there, I just needed to be brave.

going in between Emily's home and my own, Paul found himself with me. When he wasn't busy with the guys. I never minded it, he was interesting and caring. Although, his cocky side did come out a lot. I took notice a few days after coming home, Paul did have a problem controlling his anger. Which scared me. I feared for myself and everyone around me. I never wanted to question it because I didn't want to make any enemies. Emily's cousin, Leah Clearwater sort of has a vendetta with me but Jared tells me to ignore her. Leash's brother, Seth love hanging out with me. He's only 15 but he's wise beyond his years.

It was Friday and I was catching up on laundry when I heard Paul and some of the guys come through the front door laughing. I paused on the clothes to go check on the plus to hand out their lunch I had made them. I saw Paul, Quil, Seth, and Embry on the couch. They were arguing over who got to pick what they watched. I laughed to myself as I raided the kitchen. I pulled out the steak enchiladas and turned on the oven to warm them up. Seth was the first to notice me.

"Emerson, tell Paul he can't control the remote." Seth whine.

"Oh grow up, she's not your mom, dude." Quil laughed.

I shook my head as I walked into the living room.

"If I have to take that remote, I'm putting it on the titanic. Now, share, children." I declared as I raised my eyebrow at them.

Paul stifled a laugh as he passed the remote to Seth, Paul looked up at me giving me that handsome toothy grin. I smiled back as I went back into the kitchen. I grabbed them all some waters as the food warmed up. I grabbed the rest of the clothes and sat with them in the living room.

"So, where is everyone else?" I questioned as I folded my clothes.

"They're getting everything ready for the bonfire tonight, Sam and Jared went to grab the grill from either Billy or Sue. Then, Jacob is with Bella of course. Nothing new." Paul mocked as he downed half a bottle of water.

"Ya know, if you guys weren't so rough with Bella, I doubt she'd be so awkward."

Paul and Quil out some laughter at my words, but Seth was the only one who didn't laugh.

"Come on guys." I groaned.

I left the living room, hurrying to pull out the enchiladas, setting them on the table to let them cool. I set the plates out with some silverware as I noticed Paul beside me. I felt his warmth radiating off his body. He was wearing a sleeveless sweatshirt and cut off shorts. I swore, he looked more handsome every time I saw him. I felt my hands become clammy as I smiled up at him.

"I didn't upset you, did I?" Paul questioned giving me a sad look.

I shook my head smiling.

"No, I don't know Bella as you guys do but I've been in her position before. It's tough. But, then again I could be overthinking it."

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