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A few days later.

Wrapping myself up in blankets whilst eating junk food and watching random movies grew old within the first three days. Going on day five is nothing but feeling gross and background noise. I didn't want to really see anyone aside from Jared. Jared gave me little updates on what Paul was doing, but I knew Jared was stretching the truth. He said none of it was affecting Paul like he was me. He said Paul was fine. But, I beg to differ or at least I hope I did. I cleaned up my mess and took a fresh shower, dressing in some comfy clothes. An oversized green sweater,  leggings, and boots. I tied my hair into a messy bun as I left the house heading over to Emily's house. I knew everyone would be there.

It was a quick little drive, I took notice of Bella's red truck in the driveway. I never had a problem with Bella, she was like me in a way. I was her when I first started dating Ethan, it was awkward but I had to get used to it cause all my free time was used up with Ethan and his friends. I had to study in dark rooms when they smoked pot for hours, or when the binge drank. I had to make sure they didn't choke on their own vomit or anything else. It got to the point where I started ignoring everything, that's when the beatings came full force. But, it wasn't my job to play caretaker. I was barely passing classes since I was looking after them and not studying. So, it came as a shock when I messaged the school, they gave me "vacation time". The administration was understanding to an extent, so I took it.

I parked my car, getting out as I let out a few deep breaths. I didn't know why I was nervous. I mean, I was Paul's imprint, and seeing him after almost a week was a little nerve-wracking. I carefully opened the door seeing Embry, Jared, and Quil sitting at the table eating muffins. Bella was off to the side picking at hers. I shut the door, drawing everyone's attention.

"Whoa, missing imprint is found," Embry spoke, earning a smack from Emily.

"Hey, Emerson," Quil spoke as he gave me a small smile

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"Hey, Emerson," Quil spoke as he gave me a small smile.

I smiled back, waving.

"Hey, guys. I thought I would grace you guys with my presence today.." 

Jared laughed with Quil and Embry. I knew they knew I was tired of movies and hiding from the world. Emily gave them each a smack for me.

"Hey, don't scare her off again. I'll never get her back out of that house in time for mine and Sam's wedding." Emily joke as she pointed to the muffins.

"Take some comfort food while I prepare lunch for these wolves."

I smiled as I grabbed a muffin off the plate as took a seat beside Quil. I munched on the muffin as I zoned out the guys who were talking about something. Bella chimed in a few times but I barely was listening.

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