Do you know?

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The next morning was crazy. I woke up to Deke attempting to get off the couch from under me without waking me up. How sweet right? I sat up in took in my situation as he went to his room to get ready for work. I was still in my work clothes and I am honestly surprised that I haven't heard from my brother... unless he knows already. He's gonna be so mad that I didn't call him or tell him about the call from earlier. Fuck me. Why is it always me? No wonder Deacon would never go for a girl like me.

"Hey sweetheart. I don't know whatcha got going on in the pretty little head of your, but I'm not leaving you here alone today. You're gonna follow me in and were gonna work on training until Hondo needs me okay? I'm gonna get a follow up on that piece of work ex of yours too." I just nodded as I stood up. I wanna say more, but I also feel bad because now he's messed up in this whole mess. He had started to say something else, but got cut off by his phone ringing. "Its Street. Go along with me okay?" I nodded my head as he answered and put it on speaker. "Yea Street. Everything okay?"

"Did you know?"

"Sorry did I know what?"

"That the guy you had locked up last night was my sisters ex? Is that why you had him arrested? He asked for me to meet him in lock up and said some bullshit SWAT guy locked him up for nothing. I read the reports and you were the one who called lapd. But it didn't say who the girl was and I really need to know it wasn't her man. Please."

"Slow down man. No I didn't know and it wasn't Kara okay. It was some girl trying to get home when he stopped her and started wailing on her thinking it was your sister. At least he's locked up though. Kara is safe. Did you try calling her?"

"No Luca said she called him last night though so I'm gonna call him first they prolly just got in some trouble and stayed somewhere." Deke looked at me and I gave him a smile. Luca and I have an agreement one will cover the other if someone can't get ahold of the other it lasts 24 hours so that we can get the rundown. So ill call Luca and come up with a cover on the way to swat. "Thanks Deacon. Seriously. Ill see you in a while." They said their goodbye and I told Deke why Luca covered for me with street, and he seemed a little off after that. We finished getting ready to leave and I called Luca as soon as I was in the car.

"Yo! Where the hell are you Kara? I covered for you but I don't know what to tell him when I get in." I laughed.

"Thank you Luca I promise Ill pay you back. I made a little extra cash last night at a underground fight club. Im a bit banged up but I'll live. Jims gonna have my ass though."

"Jeeze woman. Alright I'll cover you then. You won right?" I laughed and told him yea. Luckily I had made out well in tips last night... I let him know I was on my way in to talk to street so I would see him after while.

I had pulled into S.W.A.T as Deacon was getting out of his car and at the same he started walking over to me Street zoomed in on his bike, and following after was the rest of the team.

"What happened to you sweetheart? You okay? Your brothers been looking for you."

"Kara!" He froze when I turned to face him. "Did he do that?! Deacon said it wasn't you!" Fuck.

"Did who do it. This was a chick from last night. Who wasn't me Jim? I'm sorry I didn't tell you I just didn't want you to be mad." Before he could continue flipping, Luca came to save the day.

"There she is! Whoo look at you though a little rough today. Sore?" I smiled at him.

"What the hell is going on?" Street questioned? I sighed and gave him the more in depth run down of my false night at the fight club earning me a lot of upset looks from everyone, before Jim started telling me about Charlie. I faked the enthusiasm of him being locked up and told everyone I was relieved and I was fine. Chris I think could tell I was lying with the way she was looking at me. Deke and I made our way to the workout gear and started training.

"I'm glad that you and Luca have the relationship that you do. It came handy today. When are you guys gonna tell your brother you dating?" I stopped punching and turned back to face him.

"I'm sorry... What?" I looked in his eyes and I don't know why I am about to  push this, but I feel like his tone is laced with jealousy...

"You and Luca it's pretty obvious." He laughed it off. I smiled before putting a hand on his shoulder and stepping on my tip toes and whispering into his ear.

"Ya know Deke if I didn't know any better I'd say you're a little jealous. But uh truth be told Luca and I aren't together and we won't be together." I turned to walk away and spotted Chris woking out with my brother in the ring. "Hey Chris wanna hang just us girls when you get off? I could use some conversation." She smiled and nodded at me and as I went to walk away street yelled for me to wait.

"Look I know that I am just your brother, but I need you to be careful. I know Charlie is in lock up and everything but honestly you don't need to go out to fights to make money just to get out faster. And-" He was cut off by his phone ringing. "Yea? Hey mom." He spoke into the phone giving me an apologetic look. I walked off to the break room as the team was getting a call that they had a situation. I decided to leave before they could stop me and go shopping. Halfway through the day my brother called saying he needed to talk to me later at home. So that is a little odd. I finished what I was doing before heading back. I guess I got there before Street considering the apartment was empty. I took a shower and was in the middle of watching TV when Jim and Luca walked in. Luca was looking at me with a sorta of sorry look... shit did he tell my brother he wasn't actually with me last night?

"Hey bub whats up?" I asked getting a little nervous.

"I talked to a few officers in charge of Charlies case... They want you testify. I can take off work if you want me to. I mean Deacon will be there cause he has to testify. They didn't say why they wanted you to, I assume its due to the history you have with him." I nodded at him.

"As long as someone I know such as Deacon will be there I will be fine. You don't have to take off work for me I am a big girl now brother." I smiled at him as he nodded and typed away on his phone. The rest of the night was pretty chill, the three of us talked and joked while we ate junk food and drank a few beers before we all fell asleep in the living room.



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