14 - Just Changing A Little

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"I'll be off now, father" I said as I bowed in my father's office, he nodded and said "Have a nice day. Be home before ten"

"Of course" I said before walking out.

It is a very wonderful day, for today, Naruto is taking me to the other side of the city to meet his family as he promised.

Kō opened the main door for me as Hanabi waved goodbye.

"Hey, Hinata!" Naruto greeted me as I walked out the house, I felt my cheeks get warm as I greeted back "G-Good morning"

"Hop on, it'll take a while to get there" He said as he patted the motorcycle's space behind him.

Luckily, I was wearing leggings under my dress this time. But what if white isn't the best color to ride a motorcycle with? What if it turns grey because of dirt? I knew it, I shouldn't have-


Maybe purple is a little too dark. What if I cross the road and people thinks I'm a shadow and runs me over by accident? What if sleeveless dresses aren't allowed on the other side of the city? I'm a disaster!

"Hey, are you alright?"

And what was I thinking? Ankle boots are so last year!


I was snapped back to reality when I felt Naruto's gloved hands on my shoulders.

I looked up to see his blue eyes looking into my eyes with worry.

"N-Naruto..." "What's wrong?" He asked, worry lacing in his voice, I shook my head and said "I-I'm a huge m-mess, maybe I-I should go back i-in and change a-and maybe put some make-up o-on a-and-"

"What are you talking about?" He asked as he gave me an assuring smile "You look perfect, Hinata. Don't worry, okay?"

I felt butterflies in my stomach as my cheeks felt hotter.

Naruto is very sweet...

And kind...

"O-Okay..." I said as I nodded "I'm sorry, m-maybe I was just nervous"

"Why? Haven't you ridden a motorcycle before?" He asked, he jumped back in panic and said "Gah! I'm sorry! I should have known, Hinata! It's my fault, believe it!"

"No, no!" I walked towards him "I-It's not that"

"It isn't?" He asked, guilt still on his face, I smiled and shook my head "No... I-I was afraid that... Maybe your family wouldn't like me..."

"What?! That's it?" He laughed "Hinata, you're like the most likeable person in the entire world, believe it! And trust me, I like you, and my parents sure will, too!"

"A-Ah... Thank you..." I said as I pushed my hair back "Y-You really know what to say, Naruto"

He looked surprised and then laughed "My friends usually say I shouldn't open my big mouth because I usually get us into trouble! I tend not to think before I talk, you know?"

"A-At least you're honest" I said "I-I really like that..."

He looked taken back.

He chuckled and shook his head "Let's get going, yeah?"

"Yeah" I nodded.

He handed me an extra helmet he brought.

I strapped it in place and put down the tinted glass. Everything looked darker. Ah! I wouldn't need sunglasses with this!

"Oh yeah, almost forgot" I heard his muffled voice as he opened the seat of the bike.

Naruto took out a black biking jacket that matches the one he was wearing. He handed it to me and said "It used to be my mom's when she was younger, it's a little old, I hope you don't mind. It gets windy and cold, believe it"

"I-I don't mind, thank you" I said as I pulled it on.

We finally got on the motorcycle, which I did notice to be their brand.

Naruto turned the keys, the engines roared.

"Let's go?" He asked, I nodded, he then said "Hold on to me, okay?"

I hesitantly wrapped my arms around him.

And with that, we were off!

- - - - -

One of the cons of being in the city is the stopping of traffic.

Not only is it tedious. But it is also very discordant!

It does not please me at all.

My hands slightly clenched. I let out a soft sigh.

And I really hate how heavy the traffic is, it's enough that even bikers such as ourselves can't even move through it.

"Let's change routes"

"Huh?" I asked, he turned his head slightly towards me so that he can look at me, not that we can have eye contact through the glass, "I'll turn us around and change routes. It might be a little farther, but I'm sure it would be faster in this case"

"S-Sure" I said. He nodded.

We took a U turn and headed back.

He turned to a road a little familiar to me. Wait...

"That's heading out the city, right?!" I asked, he nodded and answered "Yeah!"


It's okay...

I trust him.

As we got out the city, he turned to an unfamiliar path.

We drove on an uncemented but flat road.

There were cherry blossoms bending over us, and there was a river flowing nearby.

The road seems to be following the river's flow.

The grass beside the road were very lush and green.

And because of the trees, I can't hear nor see the bustling city.

It was gorgeous.


"You like it?" He asked, we didn't even need to raise our voices just so we could hear each other, "Yeah, it's beautiful"

"It's a small road, you see? Cars can't go through here. And it's outside the city and a pretty long drive with no rest or food stops, so bikers tend not to use it" He said "Just don't go through here during a storm, it gets crazy, believe it"

I laughed.

This place is very beautiful.

And it's just the two of us.

I love it.

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