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Song: A Little Braver

~~🎼🎵🎶In the 12 months on, I won't make friends with change. When everything's perfect, can we start over again? We moved together like a silver lock and key. And now that your lock has changed, I know I can't fit that way. The playgrounds...they get rusty and your heart beats another 10 thousand times before I've got the chance to say: I want you.🎶🎵🎼~~

He was looking for DanOh when her voice coming from the art room caught his attention "Thank you for showing me the most beautiful starry night sky

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He was looking for DanOh when her voice coming from the art room caught his attention "Thank you for showing me the most beautiful starry night sky. I'll never forget this moment. I'll remember it for life." He was about to open the door when he heard Haru's voice "I promised I would."

He was chilled to his core, the pages of the book "Trumpet Creeper" came to his mind: those exact same sentences were exchanged between DanOh and prince Baek Kyung, but in this world Prince Baek Kyung was replaced by Haru.

There was only one person who knew anything: Jinmiche. Baek entered the huge school kitchen through the back door and found him immediately.

"You must know, right? What kind of ending does this story have? Does Eun DanOh choose me or him?"

Jinmiche narrowed him eyes at Kyung "The end of this story?"

"Yes" he slapped down the Manwa pages on the table "Don't beat around the bush and tell me frankly. DanOh and I are clearly meant to be together in this story so who is that guy, Haru?"

"You know the answer to that. He's someone who can change the stages."

"Ah, that? I can change the bloody stage too if I tried hard enough."

"You?" scoffed Jinmiche "How?" he questioned raising his eyebrow.

"However it takes."

Jinmiche suddenly became enraged and took steps towards Kyung "You'll change the stage you said? I lost everything because of that."

Baek Kyung scowled "Talk in a language I can understand, will you?"

Jinmiche grabbed Kyung's shirt collar and came menacingly close to his face "Because of you...I lost my loved one. Because of YOU!"

Baek Kyung frowned and pushed the man off of himself "What the hell?"

Jinmiche composed himself again "Go back to your class boy, I have nothing to say to you."

Baek Kyung was even more confused. Why did it feel like everyone hated him? What has he done to deserve so much pain and hatred in his life?

Haru took the only place he thought he had left in that world, replaced him completely. Now he felt truly alone, like he really didn't have a place by anyone's side. Tears flowed down his cheeks. He was so disappointed in himself. What did he ever do to be so cursed? Was he that despicable? Was he that unworthy of love? Did he deserve to suffer alone for the rest of his life? If this was gonna be the theme of his future, he wished he had never become self aware: at least then, what he didn't know couldn't have hurt him.

It had started with hate. He hated himself. He hated his character. He hated how powerless he was to change his fate. He hated how he was used by everyone, the writer especially. Then he started hating everyone and everything as he saw himself in them. The more he was around other humans, the more he lost hope in humanity. Humans were all the same: fake, greedy and selfish. They'd all walk over anyone for their own benefit, they only pretended to care when it suited them and they'd do anything for money. No wonder the world they lived in was so cruel.

Then the hate dissipated as he accepted himself and the world for what it was. It was hard to accept without feeling lost and disappointed.

He found himself going to the rooftop more and more often. He had never seen a single cloud in that blue, blue sky and when it rained it was just pitch black. The author must be a lazy guy.

As he lied there staring at the blue blanket above a lot of thoughts passed through his head. He didn't know what was his purpose in the world anymore. He didn't feel much emotion anymore. He was sitting at the table with people he was supposed to be close with, he found himself feeling numb while other people around him enjoyed life. Truly, he didn't feel anything, he couldn't feel a thing. He was getting completely numb inside. Looking at the familiar blue, he felt useless, like a waste of space. What has he been doing his whole life? Living without even knowing, that's what. The best time of his life was his childhood, when his family was intact. But it was all gone before he could even appreciate all that he had. He realised he had no motivation to live for anymore. He didn't have anything he was passionate about. He didn't have any particular goal in life, almost everything had always been handed down to him. He didn't have anyone who loved him anymore. He didn't really look forward to the future. He felt oddly empty. Like something suddenly sucked all the life out of him. He didn't want to live a life where he wondered forever, aimlessly. The thought alone of that possibility scared him. He wondered if his short life was coming to an end. Was dying an option in life? Would it hurt a lot to jump off of a bridge. He remembered how his lungs burned as water filled them when he was pushed into the pool. He was so stunned, for a long minute he couldn't do anything but feel the pain of his chest and eyes burning, then his survival instincts had kicked in. He had never thought water could burn so much before that experience. He had experienced enough pain in his life, he really didn't need to go fishing for more. What was the least painful way of dying? Carbon monoxide poisoning in your sleep?

What would his funeral look like? Would anyone even attend it? Everyone knew him as an arrogant jerk, a rude guy, a bad boy and a silver spoon. Would anyone miss that kind of person? Would he miss himself if he were them? Probably not. For a lot of students it'd be a break from the boredom, maybe a day off of school and cancelled lessons, going home early to do something they liked.

The funny thing was no one would even remember if he died, because he'd be drawn by the writer again in the next stage as an empty vessel. Maybe at least then, without a consciousness, he wouldn't feel so horribly wronged and hurt.

Why was life like that for him? He couldn't help but be jealous of happy people. He wished he could feel truly happy, just once more. He wished he still had a family. Maybe if his mom was still alive, he'd ask her how she found her passion and how she discovered her goals in life and when did she know she wanted to be a mom.

He would've felt sad for himself if he could feel anything that day.

It shouldn't have been that way. But there he was, standing on the fence of the rooftop contemplating if he'd ever gain enough courage to end it or if he'd just let life live him till he didn't exist anymore.

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